pATAq 发表于 2017-6-22 00:37:22


[*]手头是LattePanda v1.1版的,无法使用USB 3.0接口,U盘没识别,刷新BIOS后解决,但是还是感觉不很稳定。访问github主页可以查看刷新BIOS方法。
[*]目前LattePanda似乎出到第三代了,但是并没有详细的硬件更新说明,依稀记得v1.0初版采用Intel Atom z8300 CPU, Wifi|BT模块支持2.4GHz和5GHz(博通的?),后来因为不稳定就更新到了v1.1也就是我现在手头上这款,升级z8350 CPU,性能提升,同时换用RTL的Wifi模块,仅支持2.4GHz频率。v1.2不知道硬件更新了啥,不过也有可能是那个预发售的预装Windows 10 Enterprise版操作系统。。。总之希望官方能有些说明,虽然我们也能理解你们比较忙~
to be continued...

dsweiliang 发表于 2017-6-22 08:55:41

LattePanda-BIOS BetaContains the following:
[*]LattePanda v1.0 default BIOS Beta
[*]LattePanda v1.1 default BIOS Beta
[*]LattePanda v1.2 default BIOS Beta
Note: LattePanda v1.1 default BIOS Beta can only use in LattePanda v1.1 which is using Z8350 CPU.And so on.How to Figure out the verison of your lattePandaYou can distinguishing between both by the stick on the side of the board.
S70CR110/S70CR100 Z8300 -> V1.0
S70CR110 Z8350 -> V1.1
S70CR200 Z8350 -> V1.2 to switch on/off the Auto-boot function in LP v1.1/v1.2:
[*]Press or once just boot up the system to enter the BIOS
[*]Go into Boot->Machine Status AC/Battery In
[*]Change it to Power On/Power Off
Disclaimer:Please note that this is a beta version of the bios which is still undergoing final testing before its official release.
This version is test-only, so please confirm with us before you reflash the bios.
Reflashing without notifying us can put your board in a state of no return and void your warranty.
Ensure that you have saved the Windows product key code and you have an SPI chip programmer to reflash the bios at hardware levelHow to refresh the LattePanda BIOS:
[*]Format your U-disk to FAT32
[*]Copy the right BIOS files directly to root of the USB flash disk
[*]Plug the U-disk in USB host
[*]Plugin the MicroUSB cable and power on the system
[*]Wait the refreshing the BIOS automatically until returning "fs1:>" (Check the “”)
[*]Unplug the U-disk!
[*]Restart the system via pressing the reset button or "Ctrl+Alt+Del". Then finish refreshing. Note: make sure that remove the U-disk before restarting the system!
Checkout the LattePanda official docs for more tutorialsTo download, please click "Download ZIP"Follow us on Twitter for updates and more information: by Cain, Kelvin and Lauren for LattePanda

dsweiliang 发表于 2017-6-22 08:57:09


pATAq 发表于 2017-6-22 10:17:30

dsweiliang 发表于 2017-6-22 08:57


Cain 发表于 2017-6-23 17:01:25

1.2 似乎说是对稳定性进行了升级,然后之前拆下了屏蔽罩发现使用的内存换过了,不知是出于什么原因。

pATAq 发表于 2017-6-28 16:05:15

Cain 发表于 2017-6-23 17:01
1.2 似乎说是对稳定性进行了升级,然后之前拆下了屏蔽罩发现使用的内存换过了,不知是出于什么原因。
我记 ...

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