5.30, 虫虫工作坊@同济中芬中心
本帖最后由 Berlina_Li 于 2014-5-20 17:51 编辑https://mc.dfrobot.com.cn/data/attachment/forum/201404/09/171810k7v17y914e977g87.jpg
Please scroll down for English version. // 时间
// 地点同济大学中芬中心
// 费用
//报名方式把 姓名+电话+邮箱 发至 berlina.li@dfrobot.com
// 材料请各位参加者提前下载Arduino IDE并携带电脑参加工作坊。下载地址: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
Name: Insecbot workshop for Arduino newbies
Description:The Insectbot is designed to enable creative engineering and robotics learning. The kit is mainly composed with an infrared sensor as eyes, a coin-sized microcontroller Beetle as brain and 2 servos as legs. Once detected obtacles in front, the insectbot turns back immediately. Have no ideas about Arduino programming? No worries. We provide an extra visual programming software Ardublock which you can program by dragging and dropping pre-design blocks. Please bring materials to decorate an unique and cut outfit and happy hacking.
Time: 10am - 12pm, 30 May
Venue: SFC stage, Tongji University
Fee:free but with limited seats.
Facilitator: Jane & Berlina from DFRobot
You will need to have a computer preinstalled with Arduino IDE (download at www.arduino.cc) and Ardublock. And please send your name, email address and phone number to berlina.li@dfrobot.com to confirm your reservation.