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[2018参赛作品] 【脑洞大赛】第6组老少爷们队 |
本帖最后由 longxchen 于 2016-7-24 16:41 编辑 神经元探索车 用Genuino 101 (神经元)模块通过wifi带视屏和抓手的小车远程控制取物排障,基本原理见原理图。 拓展:可以用四驱飞机投放到更加复杂地形进行排障,救援工作。 神经元部分代码: #include "BLESerial.h" #include "CurieIMU.h" int ax, ay, az; // accelerometer values int gx, gy, gz; // gyrometer values int calibrateOffsets = 1; // int to determine whether calibration takes place or not #include <CurieNeurons.h> CurieNeurons hNN; int catL=0; // category to learn int prevcat=0; // previously recognized category int dist, cat, nid, nsr, ncount; // response from the neurons // // Variables used for the calculation of the feature vector // #define sampleNbr 10 // number of samples to assemble a vector #define signalNbr 6 // ax,ay,az,gx,gy,gz int raw_vector[sampleNbr*signalNbr]; // vector accumulating the raw sensor data byte vector[sampleNbr*signalNbr]; // vector holding the pattern to learn or recognize int mina=0xFFFF, maxa=0, ming=0xFFFF, maxg=0, da, dg; void setup() { pinMode(13,OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); // initialize Serial communication BLESerial.setName("Bluno101"); BLESerial.begin(); //Serial.println("Bluetooth device active, waiting for connections..."); while(!BLESerial); //while(!Serial); //Not need Serial while Demo zkp // wait for the serial port to open // initialize device Serial.println("Initializing IMU device..."); CurieIMU.begin(); // use the code below to calibrate accel/gyro offset values if (calibrateOffsets == 1) { Serial.println("About to calibrate. Make sure your board is stable and upright"); delay(5000); Serial.print("Starting Gyroscope calibration and enabling offset compensation..."); CurieIMU.autoCalibrateGyroOffset(); Serial.println(" Done"); Serial.print("Starting Acceleration calibration and enabling offset compensation..."); CurieIMU.autoCalibrateAccelerometerOffset(X_AXIS, 0); CurieIMU.autoCalibrateAccelerometerOffset(Y_AXIS, 0); CurieIMU.autoCalibrateAccelerometerOffset(Z_AXIS, 1); Serial.println(" Done"); } // Initialize the neurons and set a conservative Max Influence Field hNN.Init(); hNN.Forget(1000); //set a conservative Max Influence Field prior to learning //int value=hNN.MAXIF(); // read the MAXIF back to verify proper SPI communication //Serial.print("\nMaxif register=");Serial.print(value); Serial.print("\n\nEntering loop..."); Serial.print("\nMove the module vertically or horizontally..."); Serial.print("\ntype 1 + Enter if vertical motion"); Serial.print("\ntype 2 + Enter if horizontal motion"); Serial.print("\ntype 0 + Enter for any other motion"); } void loop() { // Learn if push button depressed and report if a new neuron is committed if (Serial.available() == 2) { catL = Serial.read(); char inChar = (char)Serial.read(); if (inChar == '\n') { catL = catL - 48; Serial.print("\nLearning motion category "); Serial.print(catL); // learn 5 consecutive sample vectors for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { getVector(); // the vector array is a global //Serial.print("\nVector = "); //for (int i=0; i<signalNbr*sampleNbr; i++) {Serial.print(vector);Serial.print("\t");} ncount=hNN.Learn(vector, sampleNbr*signalNbr, catL); } Serial.print("\tNeurons="); Serial.print(ncount); } } else { // Recognize getVector(); // the vector array is a global hNN.Classify(vector, sampleNbr*signalNbr,&dist, &cat, &nid); if (cat!=prevcat && BLESerial.operator bool()) { digitalWrite(13,HIGH); if (cat!=0x7FFF) { Serial.print("\nMotion category #"); Serial.print(cat); //BLESerial.write("\nMotion category # ");BLESerial.println(cat); switch(cat) { case 1: BLESerial.println("F"); break; case 2: BLESerial.println("B"); break; case 3: BLESerial.println("L"); break; case 4: BLESerial.println("R"); break; case 5: BLESerial.println("S"); break; default: BLESerial.println(cat); break; } delay(100); } else { Serial.print("\nMotion unknown"); //BLESerial.write("\nMotion unknown "); } prevcat=cat; } } } void getVector() { // the reset of the min and max values is optional depending if you want to // use a running min and max from the launch of the script or not mina=0xFFFF, maxa=0, ming=0xFFFF, maxg=0, da, dg; for (int sampleId=0; sampleId<sampleNbr; sampleId++) { //Build the vector over sampleNbr and broadcast to the neurons CurieIMU.readMotionSensor(ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz); // update the running min/max for the a signals if (ax>maxa) maxa=ax; else if (ax<mina) mina=ax; if (ay>maxa) maxa=ay; else if (ay<mina) mina=ay; if (az>maxa) maxa=az; else if (az<mina) mina=az; da= maxa-mina; // update the running min/max for the g signals if (gx>maxg) maxg=gx; else if (gx<ming) ming=gx; if (gy>maxg) maxg=gy; else if (gy<ming) ming=gy; if (gz>maxg) maxg=gz; else if (gz<ming) ming=gz; dg= maxg-ming; // accumulate the sensor data raw_vector[sampleId*signalNbr]= ax; raw_vector[(sampleId*signalNbr)+1]= ay; raw_vector[(sampleId*signalNbr)+2]= az; raw_vector[(sampleId*signalNbr)+3]= gx; raw_vector[(sampleId*signalNbr)+4]= gy; raw_vector[(sampleId*signalNbr)+5]= gz; } // normalize vector for(int sampleId=0; sampleId < sampleNbr; sampleId++) { for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { vector[sampleId*signalNbr+i] = (((raw_vector[sampleId*signalNbr+i] - mina) * 255)/da) & 0x00FF; vector[sampleId*signalNbr+3+i] = (((raw_vector[sampleId*signalNbr+3+i] - ming) * 255)/dg) & 0x00FF; } } } |
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