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[已解决] 请教技术支持,关于Wido联网稳定性问题。 |
硬件为Wido+I/O扩展板+[size=12.727272033691406px]LM35线性模拟温度传感器; 程序为样例Wido2Yeelink 刚开始串口窗中,每隔一次温度数据上传会返回一个错误提示,如下: 3c {"error":"TOO FREQUENTLYREQUESTS (INTERVAL MORE THAN 10S)"} 因此将程序中延时2S改为延时10秒(好像改15S有问题),如下: if(WidoClient.connected() &&millis() - uploadtStamp > 10000){ 再调试则无此报错。 但一直出现数据上传约2-3小时后在yeelink端无数据并且显示传感器异常,需要重启Wido才能恢复正常,但问题反复未解决。 请问是硬件还是软件问题?如何解决? |
本帖最后由 szftrm 于 2015-7-2 09:14 编辑 Cain 发表于 2015-7-2 00:43 /* This example code is used to connect the Yeelink cloud service (Official homepage: www.yeelink.net). The device required is just: 1. LM35 low cost temperature sensor or any device you used to upload data 2. And Wido Note: Please don't forget to change the setting below before using! 1. WLAN_SSID & WlAN_PASS 2. API_key 3. device ID & sensor ID */ #include <Adafruit_CC3000.h> #include <ccspi.h> #include <SPI.h> #define Wido_IRQ 7 #define Wido_VBAT 5 #define Wido_CS 10 Adafruit_CC3000 Wido = Adafruit_CC3000(Wido_CS, Wido_IRQ, Wido_VBAT, SPI_CLOCK_DIVIDER); // you can change this clock speed // Security can be WLAN_SEC_UNSEC, WLAN_SEC_WEP, WLAN_SEC_WPA or WLAN_SEC_WPA2 #define WLAN_SECURITY WLAN_SEC_WPA2 #define WLAN_SSID "myNetwork" // cannot be longer than 32 characters! #define WLAN_PASS "myPassword" // For connecting router or AP, don't forget to set the SSID and password here!! #define TCP_TIMEOUT 3000 //#define CC3000_TINY_DRIVER #define WEBSITE "api.yeelink.net" #define API_key "733115abefe88b0033c035ac9e000000" // Update Your API Key. To get your API Key, please check the link below // http://www.yeelink.net/user/user_profile void setup(){ Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(F("Hello, CC3000!\n")); /* Initialise the module */ Serial.println(F("\nInitialising the CC3000 ...")); if (!Wido.begin()) { Serial.println(F("Unable to initialise the CC3000! Check your wiring?")); while(1); } /* Attempt to connect to an access point */ char *ssid = WLAN_SSID; /* Max 32 chars */ Serial.print(F("\nAttempting to connect to ")); Serial.println(ssid); /* NOTE: Secure connections are not available in 'Tiny' mode! By default connectToAP will retry indefinitely, however you can pass an optional maximum number of retries (greater than zero) as the fourth parameter. */ if (!Wido.connectToAP(WLAN_SSID, WLAN_PASS, WLAN_SECURITY)) { Serial.println(F("Failed!")); while(1); } Serial.println(F("Connected!")); /* Wait for DHCP to complete */ Serial.println(F("Request DHCP")); while (!Wido.checkDHCP()) { delay(100); // ToDo: Insert a DHCP timeout! } } uint32_t ip = 0; float temp = 0; void loop(){ static Adafruit_CC3000_Client WidoClient; static unsigned long RetryMillis = 0; static unsigned long uploadtStamp = 0; static unsigned long sensortStamp = 0; if(!WidoClient.connected() && millis() - RetryMillis > TCP_TIMEOUT){ // Update the time stamp RetryMillis = millis(); Serial.println(F("Try to connect the cloud server")); WidoClient.close(); // Get Yeelink IP address Serial.print(F("api.yeelink.net -> ")); while (ip == 0) { if (!Wido.getHostByName(WEBSITE, &ip)) { // Get the server IP address based on the domain name Serial.println(F("Couldn't resolve!")); } delay(500); } Wido.printIPdotsRev(ip); Serial.println(F("")); // Connect to the Yeelink Server WidoClient = Wido.connectTCP(ip, 80); // Try to connect cloud server } if(WidoClient.connected() && millis() - uploadtStamp > 10000){ uploadtStamp = millis(); // If the device is connected to the cloud server, upload the data every 10s. // Prepare Http Package for Yeelink & get length int length = 0; char lengthstr[3]; // Create Http data package char httpPackage[60] = ""; strcat(httpPackage,"{\"value\":"); itoa(temp,httpPackage+strlen(httpPackage),10); // push the data(temp) to the http data package strcat(httpPackage,"}"); length = strlen(httpPackage); // get the length of data package itoa(length,lengthstr,10); // convert int to char array for posting Serial.print(F("Length = ")); Serial.println(length); Serial.println(F("Connected to Yeelink server.")); // Send headers Serial.print(F("Sending headers")); WidoClient.fastrprint(F("POST /v1.0/device/")); WidoClient.fastrprint(F("100/sensor/20/datapoints")); //Please change your device ID and sensor ID here, after creating //Please check the link: http://www.yeelink.net/user/devices //The example URL: http://api.yeelink.net/v1.0/device/100/sensor/20/datapoints WidoClient.fastrprintln(F(" HTTP/1.1")); Serial.print(F(".")); WidoClient.fastrprintln(F("Host: api.yeelink.net")); Serial.print(F(".")); WidoClient.fastrprint(F("U-ApiKey: ")); WidoClient.fastrprintln(API_key); Serial.print(F(".")); WidoClient.fastrprint("Content-Length: "); WidoClient.fastrprintln(lengthstr); WidoClient.fastrprintln(""); Serial.print(F(".")); Serial.println(F(" done.")); // Send data Serial.print(F("Sending data")); WidoClient.fastrprintln(httpPackage); Serial.println(F(" done.")); /********** Get the http page feedback ***********/ unsigned long rTimer = millis(); Serial.println(F("Reading Cloud Response!!!\r\n")); while (millis() - rTimer < 10000) { while (WidoClient.connected() && WidoClient.available()) { char c = WidoClient.read(); Serial.print(c); } } delay(1000); // Wait for 1s to finish posting the data stream WidoClient.close(); // Close the service connection RetryMillis = millis(); // Reset the timer stamp for applying the connection with the service } if(millis() - sensortStamp > 2000){ sensortStamp = millis(); // read the LM35 sensor value and convert to the degrees every 100ms. int reading = analogRead(0); temp = reading *0.0048828125*100; Serial.print(F("Real Time Temp: ")); Serial.println(temp); } } 都没怎么改动过。另看门狗加那里/ |
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