2016-7-5 15:35:23 [显示全部楼层]
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[求助] Arduino CAN-BUS Shield V1.2 Car Tiguan


HI, I'm trying to receive CAN data from Arduino CAN-BUS Shield V1.2 my car VW Tiguan.

The massage "CAN BUS Shield init ok!" was displayed..

But I could not receive any data..

Here's my environment:

Arduino UNO R3

Seeed Studio CAN-Bus Shield v1.2 (I removed the terminal resistor)

OBD-II cable(6pin, 14pin)

VW Tiguan vehicle (2015)

CAN Bus rate setting : 500Kbps

Arduino baud rate setting : 115200

Thank you in advance.

sicoco  中级技师

发表于 2016-7-6 11:32:52

I don't know whether you have seen this wiki or not, just an advice: http://www.seeedstudio.com/wiki/CAN-BUS_Shield_V1.2#Set_Baud_Rate

From your info, it seems that your comm between Arduino and CAN-BUS shield is correct, but the comm between your car and the shield is not working. So have you checked the CAN bus rate of your car? Or is the CAN ID correct? Or maybe you need to send something in order to let your car reply some data.

I haven't used CAN before, so my suggestion may not be useful.

I am interested on using that shield, if you have solved it, hope you can share your experience on the forum. Thanks

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