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[高级教程] 用microbit发报 |
转自:http://www.micropython.org.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=138&extra=page%3D3 用B键或者用pin2做触摸键,发送信号。pin0控制蜂鸣器,pin1控制马达。A键显示或清除显示。 [mw_shl_code=python,true]########################## # v 1.0 Initial Public Release # This is a working CW Radio. 'B' is key. 'A' shows message received in text. # Connect Speaker or Headphones to Pin 0 and Ground # Or connect Piezo Buzzer or Haptic Motor for Silent operation to pin1 and ground # pin2 is capacitive touch keying. # Copyright (C) 2017 Revd. John Goodman M0RVJ, # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>L # # This uses some public domain code by Giles Booth. # See here http://www.suppertime.co.uk/blog ... e-code-transmitter/ ########################### from microbit import * import radio import music radio.on() radio.reset() #Customise these settings for tx, pwr, channel and speed. radio.config(power=7) radio.config(channel=98) WPM = 15 txenabled = True #in case you want to practice without sending sidetone = 550 dotlength = int( 60000 / ( WPM * 50 ) ) dashlength = dotlength * 3 interelement = dotlength interletter = dotlength * 2 interword = dotlength * 7 DOT_THRESHOLD = dotlength * 2 DASH_THRESHOLD = dotlength * 5 WORD_THRESHOLD = dotlength * 7 DOT = Image("00000:00000:00900:00000:00000") DASH = Image("00000:00000:09990:00000:00000") ANT = Image("90909:09990:00900:00900:00900") morse = { "A":".-", "B":"-...", "C":"-.-.", "D":"-..", "E":".", "F":"..-.", "G":"--.", "H":"....", "I":"..", "J":".---", "K":"-.-", "L":".-..", "M":"--", "N":"-.", "O":"---", "P":".--.", "Q":"--.-", "R":".-.", "S":"...", "T":"-", "U":"..-", "V":"...-", "W":".--", "X":"-..-", "Y":"-.--", "Z":"--..", "0":"-----", "1":".----", "2":"..---", "3":"...--", "4":"....-", "5":".....", "6":"-....", "7":"--...", "8":"---..", "9":"----.", ".":".-.-.", ",":"--..--", "/":"-..-.", "?":"..--.." } # reverse dict. decodemorse = {v: k for k, v in morse.items()} # convert string to cw def EncodeMorse(message): m = message.upper() enc = "" for c in m: enc = enc + morse.get(c," ") if morse.get(c," ") != " ": enc = enc + " " return enc # function to flash and play cw def FlashMorse(pattern): for c in pattern: if c == ".": display.show(DOT) pin1.write_digital(1) music.pitch(sidetone, dotlength) display.clear() pin1.write_digital(0) sleep(interelement) elif c == "-": display.show(DASH) pin1.write_digital(1) music.pitch(sidetone, dashlength) display.clear() pin1.write_digital(0) sleep(interelement) elif c == " ": sleep(interletter) return def ReceiveCW(): display.show(ANT) message = '' started = running_time() while True: waiting = running_time() - started received = radio.receive() if received: FlashMorse(EncodeMorse(received)) message += received if button_b.is_pressed(): return # breakin to immediate keying if pin2.is_touched(): return # breakin to immediate keying if button_a.was_pressed(): display.scroll(message) # nb blocks receive while showing... message = '' if waiting > WORD_THRESHOLD * 2: display.show(ANT) if len(message) > 15: #keep message buffer short... message = message[1:16] if accelerometer.was_gesture("shake"): display.scroll("CW TRX by M0RVJ") def Keyer(): buffer = '' message = '' started = running_time() while True: waited = running_time() - started key_down_time = None while button_b.is_pressed(): ## button B keying if not key_down_time: key_down_time = running_time() music.pitch(sidetone, -1, pin0, False) pin1.write_digital(1) while True: if not button_b.is_pressed(): music.stop() pin1.write_digital(0) break while pin2.is_touched(): ## touch keying if not key_down_time: key_down_time = running_time() music.pitch(sidetone, -1, pin0, False) pin1.write_digital(1) while True: if not pin2.is_touched(): music.stop() pin1.write_digital(0) break key_up_time = running_time() if key_down_time: duration = key_up_time - key_down_time if duration < DOT_THRESHOLD: buffer += '.' display.show(DOT) elif duration: buffer += '-' display.show(DASH) started = running_time() elif len(buffer) > 0 and waited > DASH_THRESHOLD: display.clear() character = decodemorse.get(buffer, '?') buffer = '' display.show(character) if txenabled: radio.send(character) message += character if waited > WORD_THRESHOLD * 2: return while True: Keyer() ReceiveCW()[/mw_shl_code] |
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