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[2018赛事资讯] 2018蘑菇云脑洞大赛 -出行新体验黑客马拉松 |
2018年蘑菇云脑洞大赛-出行新体验黑客马拉松 (报名点击) 活动主题 2018 MUSHROOMCLOUD BRAINSTORM CONTEST 出行新体验-未来电梯的应用场景------------------------------------------------------------- 2018年11月9日-11日,在蘑菇云举办脑洞大赛,一起来探讨未来电梯的应用场景。 我们不谈情怀、不谈创业,我们只寻找最有创意的你! 我们将选取2个团队10个名额去参加11月24-25日在苏州西郊利物浦大学举办的决赛, 大奖是去迅达电梯瑞士总部与瑞士联邦理工学院访问交流。 From 9 to 11 of November 2018, a brainstorming competition focusing on the applied situation of the future elevator will be held in Mushroom Cloud. Instead of discussing passionate feeling or entrepreneurship, we are only seeking for the most creative ones! Two teams of ten persons will be selected for the final competition that will be held in Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University in Suzhou, on November 24 and 25. The winners will have the opportunity to visit the headquarter of Xunda Elevator in Switzerland and ETH Zurich. 主办方:蘑菇云创客空间 Innospac 赞助商:Xilinx 特别支持:迅达 挑战主题 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 智慧出行 Smart Transportation 如何促进垂直交通工具的智能化? How to make elevators smarter? 02 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 可持续性 Sustainability 如何提高电梯的可持续利用? How to improve efficiency and performance of elevators? 03 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 电梯体验升级 Upgraded Elevator Experience 如何提高电梯的使用体验? How to improve the user experience of elevators? 团队要求 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 满18周岁的学生、创客,开发者等 Open to students, makers, and developers (age: 18+ years). 不强制现场专有代码和技术开发的需求,参赛者可以按需加入。 This competition does not require proprietary code or technology development. 至少3-5人/组 少于3人的团队将在申请结束之后由主办方分配其他个人至团队中; 个人参赛者将会在申请结束之后由主办方分配到相应团队中。 Teams smaller than 3 members must be open to an additional team member(s) assigned by Hackathon Organizers after the application deadline. Individual applicants will be assigned to a team by Hackathon Organizers after the application deadline. 流程 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11.9 (星期五) 18:30-19:00 签到 Sign in 19:00-19:30 创意阐述 Idea Pitch 19:30-20:00 自由组队 Free team up 11.10 (星期六) 10:00-12:00 项目开发 Development 13:00-14:00 赛灵思 PYNQ开发平台培训和试用(Xilinx PYNQ hardware platform training and testing) 11.11 (星期天) 10:00-12:00 项目开发 Development 13:00-14:00 项目提交 Project submission 14:00-15:00 项目路演 Presentation 15:00-16:00 评奖+合影 Awarding and photographing PYNQ开发平台培训: 让创客了解PYNQ板子可以做一些Arduino做不了的复杂任务,包括视频/图像处理、做一些AI相关的应用。 此次培训开发者可以学到的知识 -了解由Xilinx推出的PYNQ开发框架的基本理念 -了解Pynq-Z2板卡的基本外设接口 -了解PYNQ的开发交互界面Jupyter Notebook -介绍PYNQ的常用开发资料获取方式以及开发者社区的运作方式 需要提前准备的东西 本场培训将不会现场演示和培训板卡使用,培训资料可在github(https://github.com/Xilinx/PYNQ_Workshop)上获取,参赛选手可以自行回去学习。最好是参赛之前就预先学习一下。 对于培训需要准备: 硬件、插排、小型路由器、usb串口线、网线、软件、Mobaxterm串口通讯、Chrome浏览器、Rufus下载镜像、Vivado Webpack设计工具 培训内容 Session1 基本介绍PYNQ项目的框架和基本概念 启动和使用板卡 Session2 PYNQ现有资料获取方式 针对不同层次的开发人员的开发方式 嘉宾以及评委 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() Ricky Su 毕业于同济大学,2006年加入Xilinx,现任 Embedded Specialist FAE 奖项 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * 一等奖1名: DOCYKE13合一益智拼装滑板车模块化变形车(价值1680元) ![]() * 特别奖2名(2支队伍10名成员):价值1000元 受邀参加11月24日-25日在苏州西郊利物浦举办的出行新体验黑客马拉松决赛,主办方赞助路费和食宿 一等奖1名:奖金2000元 二等奖2名:奖金1000元 三等奖3名:奖金500元 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 合作支持 赛灵思 ![]() Xilinx(赛灵思)是全球领先的可编程逻辑完整解决方案的供应商。 Xilinx研发、制造并销售范围广泛的高级集成电路、 软件设计工具以及作为预定义系统级功能的IP(Intellectual Property)核。 2018年7月18日,全球最大的可编程芯片(FPGA) 厂商赛灵思宣布收购中国 AI 芯片领域的明星创业公司——深鉴科技。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 开发平台介绍: PYNQ是一个由Xilinx主导的开源框架,旨在使基于Zynq架构上的嵌入式开发更加简单易上手。 使用Python编程语言以及丰富的第三方扩展包, 开发者可以充分利用Zynq架构中的可编程逻辑器件和微处理器的优势, 创造出更多好玩有意思的嵌入式系统项目。 PYNQ is an open-source project from Xilinx that makes it easy to design embedded systems with Zynq Systems on Chips (SoCs). Using the Python language and libraries, designers can exploit the benefits of programmable logic and microprocessors in Zynq to build more capable and exciting embedded systems. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ![]() 新体验黑客马拉松 New Transport Experience Hackathon 11月24-25日, 迅达电梯亚太研发中心与InnoSpace携手,将在苏州西交利物浦大学举行“出行新体验黑客马拉松”; 围绕电梯应用场景,在智慧出行、可持续性、电梯体验升级领域征集创新有效的解决方案, 促进新的商业模式发展、优化战略和应用技术,助力可持续发展。 Co-hosted by Schindler R&D AP and InnoSpace, New Transport Experience Hackathon is taking place on Nov 24-25. By developing innovative and effective solutions through business case competition, it aims to tackle the challenges around smart Transportation, sustainability, and upgraded elevator experience, hao with the goal to promote new business models, strategies, or technologies towards improving sustainability. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48小时黑客马拉松:23号下午19点至25号下午13点 48-hour Hackathon starting from 19:00 on Nov 23rd; 25号竞赛评比:获胜者在将在当天评比后公布。 Final pitch on 25th: winning teams will be announced and granted after the final pitch. 申请者可在三个主题中任选一个进行开发,每个团队只参与并提交1个项目。 All applicants can any one of the three challenges, and each team will compete for only one Challenge during the Hackathon. 主办方承担所有费用,包括交通住宿(苏州以外地区)、餐饮、及参赛者所消耗的各项物资。 All cost including travel and accommodation (for participants from out of Suzhou), food, beverage, and other resources is covered by hackathon organizer. 本次黑客马拉松所有作品与产出,其所有权归迅达电梯所有。报名参赛则默认接受此条款. By applying to participate in this hackathon, participants acknowledge that all production and results from this hackathon belong to Schindler. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 奖评选5个优胜团队 Five winning teams will be selected after final pitch presentations. 第一名:迅达瑞士总部与瑞士联邦理工学院访问交流; 第二名:5000 RMB; 第三名:3000 RMB; 优胜奖2个:1000RMB First Place: All paid trip to Schindler HQ and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne; Second Place: 5000 RMB; Third Place: 3000 RMB; 2 Awards of Excellence: 1000RMB ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我们正在寻找合作伙伴和赞助,请联系 Rebecca.jiang@dfrobot.com 微信号:13818580834 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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