- /****************************************************************
- * Arduino CMPS10 example code *
- * CMPS10 running I2C mode *
- * by James Henderson, 2012 *
- *****************************************************************/
- #include <Wire.h>
- #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
- #define ADDRESS 0x60 // Defines address of CMPS10
- #define LCD_RX 0x02 // RX and TX pins used for LCD0303 serial port
- #define LCD_TX 0x03
- #define LCD03_HIDE_CUR 0x04
- #define LCD03_CLEAR 0x0C
- #define LCD03_SET_CUR 0x02
- SoftwareSerial lcd03 = SoftwareSerial(LCD_RX, LCD_TX); // Defines software serial port for LCD03
- void setup(){
- Wire.begin(); // Conects I2C
- lcd03.begin(9600);
- lcd03.write(LCD03_HIDE_CUR);
- lcd03.write(LCD03_CLEAR);
- }
- void loop(){
- byte highByte, lowByte, fine; // highByte and lowByte store high and low bytes of the bearing and fine stores decimal place of bearing
- char pitch, roll; // Stores pitch and roll values of CMPS10, chars are used because they support signed value
- int bearing; // Stores full bearing
- Wire.beginTransmission(ADDRESS); //starts communication with CMPS10
- Wire.write(2); //Sends the register we wish to start reading from
- Wire.endTransmission();
- Wire.requestFrom(ADDRESS, 4); // Request 4 bytes from CMPS10
- while(Wire.available() < 4); // Wait for bytes to become available
- highByte = Wire.read();
- lowByte = Wire.read();
- pitch = Wire.read();
- roll = Wire.read();
- bearing = ((highByte<<8)+lowByte)/10; // Calculate full bearing
- fine = ((highByte<<8)+lowByte)%10; // Calculate decimal place of bearing
- display_data(bearing, fine, pitch, roll); // Display data to the LCD03
- delay(100);
- }
- void display_data(int b, int f, int p, int r){ // pitch and roll (p, r) are recieved as ints instead oif bytes so that they will display corectly as signed values.
- lcd03.write(LCD03_SET_CUR); // Set the LCD03 cursor position
- lcd03.write(1);
- lcd03.print("CMPS10 Example V:");
- lcd03.print(soft_ver()); // Display software version of the CMPS10
- delay(5); // Delay to allow LCD03 to proscess data
- lcd03.write(LCD03_SET_CUR);
- lcd03.write(21);
- lcd03.print("Bearing = "); // Display the full bearing and fine bearing seperated by a decimal poin on the LCD03
- lcd03.print(b);
- lcd03.print(".");
- lcd03.print(f);
- lcd03.print(" ");
- delay(5);
- lcd03.write(LCD03_SET_CUR); // Display the Pitch value to the LCD03
- lcd03.write(41);
- lcd03.print("Pitch = ");
- lcd03.print(p);
- lcd03.print(" ");
- delay(5);
- lcd03.write(LCD03_SET_CUR); // Display the roll value to the LCD03
- lcd03.write(61);
- lcd03.print("Roll = ");
- lcd03.print(r);
- lcd03.print(" ");
- }
- int soft_ver(){
- int data; // Software version of CMPS10 is read into data and then returned
- Wire.beginTransmission(ADDRESS);
- // Values of 0 being sent with write need to be masked as a byte so they are not misinterpreted as NULL this is a bug in arduino 1.0
- Wire.write((byte)0); // Sends the register we wish to start reading from
- Wire.endTransmission();
- Wire.requestFrom(ADDRESS, 1); // Request byte from CMPS10
- while(Wire.available() < 1);
- data = Wire.read();
- return(data);
- }
看下这个代码 arduino的
我的I2C调试经验是,首先用示波器查看你发出来的波形是否正确,然后将总线接到例如24LC01 EEPROM上来判断是否可以可靠操作。 最好做一个I2C库封装起来,方便使用。