- def wait_msg(self):
- res = self.sock.read(1)
- self.sock.setblocking(True)
- if res is None:
- return None
- if res == b"":
- raise OSError(-1)
- if res == b"\xd0": # PINGRESP
- sz = self.sock.read(1)[0]
- assert sz == 0
- return None
- op = res[0]
- if op & 0xf0 != 0x30:
- return op
- sz = self._recv_len()
- topic_len = self.sock.read(2)
- topic_len = (topic_len[0] << 8) | topic_len[1]
- topic = self.sock.read(topic_len)
- sz -= topic_len + 2
- if op & 6:
- pid = self.sock.read(2)
- pid = pid[0] << 8 | pid[1]
- sz -= 2
- msg = self.sock.read(sz)
- self.cb(topic, msg)
- if op & 6 == 2:
- pkt = bytearray(b"\x40\x02\0\0")
- struct.pack_into("!H", pkt, 2, pid)
- self.sock.write(pkt)
- elif op & 6 == 4:
- assert 0
- # Checks whether a pending message from server is available.
- # If not, returns immediately with None. Otherwise, does
- # the same processing as wait_msg.
- def check_msg(self):
- self.sock.setblocking(False)
- return self.wait_msg()