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打包下载:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1VohwXA029_owS1gcy10BUA 话不多说,直接上图!!! 还有ATMega 与 Arduino对应的引线图 The QTFP version The ATTiny version The ATMEGA1284p version The ATMega644p version 下面是PDF的大图下载地址: (链接已失效) PinOut Arduino Uno PinOut ATMega328 PinOut ATMega328 QTFP PinOut ATTiny PinOut ATMega1284p PinOut ATMega1284p - Bobuino Version PinOut ATMega1284p - Editable Version PinOut ATMega644p the version in size 1:1 version with ATMega328 下面是PDF的大图下载地址: (链接已失效) Arduino Sketch:http://www.pighixxx.com/pgdev/Temp/Arduino-Pinout.pdf Arduino Sketch with ATMega328:http://www.pighixxx.com/pgdev/Temp/Arduino-Pinoutv2_2.pdf 原帖:http://arduino.cc/forum/index.php/topic,146315.0.html |
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