MD25 串行驱动RD02电机
- /****************************************************************
- * Arduino MD25 example code *
- * MD25 running in serial mode *
- * *
- * by James Henderson 2012 *
- *****************************************************************/
- #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
- // Values of 0 being sent using serial.write() have to be cast as a byte to stop them being misinterpereted as NULL
- // This is a bug with arduino 1
- #define CMD (byte)0x00 // MD25 command byte of 0
- #define WRITESP1 0x31 // Byte writes speed to motor 1
- #define WRITEACCEL 0x33 // Byte writes a value of acceleration
- #define RESETREG 0x35 // Byte resets encoders
- #define SETMODE 0x34 // Byte sets mode
- #define READIVS 0x2C // Byte reads motor currents and battery voltage
- #define READENCS 0x25 // Byte reads both encoders
- #define GET_VER 0x29
- #define LCD_RX 0x02 // RX and TX pins used for LCD0303 serial port
- #define LCD_TX 0x03
- #define LCD03_HIDE_CUR 0x04
- #define LCD03_CLEAR 0x0C
- #define LCD03_SET_CUR 0x02
- SoftwareSerial lcd03 = SoftwareSerial(LCD_RX, LCD_TX); // Define the serial port for the LCD03
- long encValue = 0;
- byte softwareRev = 0;
- void setup(){
- Serial.begin(38400);
- lcd03.begin(9600);
- Serial.write(CMD); // Set MD25 accelleration value
- Serial.write(WRITEACCEL);
- Serial.write(10);
- delayMicroseconds(10); // Wait for this to be processed
- Serial.write(CMD); // Reset the encoder registers to 0
- Serial.write(RESETREG);
- Serial.write(CMD); // Set mode to 2, Both motors controlled by writing to speed 1
- Serial.write(SETMODE);
- Serial.write(2);
- Serial.write(CMD); // Get software version of MD25
- Serial.write(GET_VER);
- while(Serial.available() < 1){} // Wait for byte to become available
- softwareRev = Serial.read();
- lcd03.write(LCD03_CLEAR); // Clear the LCD03 screen
- lcd03.write(LCD03_HIDE_CUR); // Hide the LCD03 cursor
- }
- void loop(){
- while(encValue < 3000){ // While encoder 1 value less than 3000 move forward
- Serial.write(CMD); // Set motors to drive forward at full speed
- Serial.write(WRITESP1);
- Serial.write(150);
- encValue = readEncoder();
- readVolts();
- }
- delay(100);
- while(encValue > 100){
- Serial.write(CMD); // Drive motors reverse at full speed
- Serial.write(WRITESP1);
- Serial.write(100);
- encValue = readEncoder();
- readVolts();
- }
- delay(100);
- }
- long readEncoder(){ // Function to read and display the value of both encoders, returns value of first encoder
- long result1 = 0;
- long result2 = 0;
- Serial.write(CMD);
- Serial.write(READENCS);
- while(Serial.available() < 8){} // Wait for 8 bytes, first 4 encoder 1 values second 4 encoder 2 values
- result1 = Serial.read(); // First byte for encoder 1, HH.
- result1 <<= 8;
- result1 += Serial.read(); // Second byte for encoder 1, HL
- result1 <<= 8;
- result1 += Serial.read(); // Third byte for encoder 1, LH
- result1 <<= 8;
- result1 += Serial.read(); // Fourth byte for encoder 1, LL
- result2 = Serial.read();
- result2 <<= 8;
- result2 += Serial.read();
- result2 <<= 8;
- result2 += Serial.read();
- result2 <<= 8;
- result2 += Serial.read();
- lcd03.write(LCD03_SET_CUR); // Set the LCD03 cursor position
- lcd03.write(21);
- lcd03.print("Encoder 1:"); // Displays data to the LCD03 screen
- lcd03.print(result1,DEC);
- lcd03.print(" "); // Print a blank space to clear any unwanted characters that are leftover on the LCD03 display
- delay(5); // Delay for LCD03 to process data
- lcd03.write(LCD03_SET_CUR);
- lcd03.write(41);
- lcd03.print("Encoder 2:");
- lcd03.print(result2,DEC);
- lcd03.print(" ");
- return result1;
- }
- void readVolts(){ // Function reads current for both motors and battery voltage
- byte batteryVolts, mot1_current, mot2_current = 0;
- Serial.write(CMD);
- Serial.write(READIVS); // Send byte to readbattery voltage and motor currents
- while(Serial.available() < 3){} // Wait for the 3 bytes to become available then get them
- batteryVolts = Serial.read();
- mot1_current = Serial.read();
- mot2_current = Serial.read();
- lcd03.write(LCD03_SET_CUR);
- lcd03.write(61);
- lcd03.print("Mot1 I:");
- lcd03.print(mot1_current,DEC);
- lcd03.print(" Mot2 I:");
- lcd03.print(mot2_current,DEC);
- lcd03.print(" ");
- delay(5);
- lcd03.write(LCD03_SET_CUR);
- lcd03.write(1);
- lcd03.print("Rev:");
- lcd03.print(softwareRev, DEC);
- lcd03.print(" ");
- lcd03.print("Volts:");
- lcd03.print(batteryVolts/10,DEC); // Seperate whole number and descimal place of battery voltage and display
- lcd03.print(".");
- lcd03.print(batteryVolts%10,DEC);
- lcd03.print(" ");
- }