9188| 2
esp32 micropython ble_center初体验 |
本帖最后由 dfrobot_wx 于 2017-7-23 17:52 编辑 本例程所需原料 硬件 1. FireBeetle-ESP32主板 2. Bluno主板 软件 1. uPyCraft esp32端代码如下: [mw_shl_code=python,true]import gc import sys import network as n import gc import time b = n.Bluetooth() found = {} complete = True connectname = "" mac=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' def bcb(b,e,d,u): global complete global found global connectname global mac if e == b.CONNECT: print("CONNECT") elif e == b.DISCONNECT: print("DISCONNECT") elif e == b.SCAN_RES: if complete: found = {} adx, name,ssic= d if connectname == str(name): mac = adx print(d) if adx not in found: found[adx] = name else: print('else') print(d) elif e == b.SCAN_CMPL: ok = True print("Scan Complete") complete = True print ('\nFinal List:') for adx, name in found.items(): print ('Found:' + ':'.join(['%02X' % i for i in adx]), name) print('connect ',name) else: print ('Unknown event', e,d) def cb (cb, event, value, userdata): print('charcb ', cb, userdata, ' ', end='') if event == b.READ: print('Read') return 'ABCDEFG' elif event == b.WRITE: print ('Write', value) elif event == b.NOTIFY: print ('Notify', value) def conn(bda): b.ble_settings(adv_is_scan_rsp = False) conn = b.connect(bda) i=0 while not conn.is_connected(): i=i+1 time.sleep(.1) print ('Connected') time.sleep(2) # Wait for services service = ([s for s in conn.services() if s.uuid()[0:4] == b'\x00\x00\xDF\xB0'] + [None])[0] if service: print(service.chars()) char = ([c for c in service.chars() if c.uuid()[0:4] == b'\x00\x00\xDF\xB1'] + [None])[0] char.callback(cb) if char: char.callback(cb) if i == 10: print('time out') break return conn def onScanComplete(): time.sleep(2) def set_connetname(name): return "b'%s'" % name def scan(): global connectname connectname = set_connetname("Bluno") b.ble_settings(adv_is_scan_rsp = True) b.scan_start(5) time.sleep(10) b.callback(bcb) scan() print('mac:',mac) conn(mac) [/mw_shl_code] 1. 使用uPyCraft下载到板子上并运行 2. BLE开始扫描并连接设备 3. 成功连接上设备 4. 打开串口调试工具,向BLUNO串口发送数据 5、Esp32收到的数据 这个例程在连接过程中有时会出现不稳定现象,望各位大神指正。 该例程中使用的从机模块是bluno,各位师兄可以使用其他的ble模块,只需要在esp32程序中的更改相应的设备名以及需要监听的uuid即可。 |
你好 ,我用时用的程序连一个蓝牙手柄 显示连接不上, 0;31mE (996959) BT: btm_sec_clr_temp_auth_service() - no dev CB [0m [0;31mE (996959) BT: bta_gattc_conn_cback() - cif=4 connected=0 conn_id=4 reason=0x0008[0m [0;31mE (996959) BT: Device not found [0m [0;31mE (996959) BT: bta_gattc_mark_bg_conn unable to find the bg connection mask for: ff:ff:97:01:cd:64[0m |
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