2019-8-20 14:12:01 [显示全部楼层]
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[入门教程] Maqueen - how to get an I2C address of a device installed on Maqueen platform

Here is an instruction to figure out the I2C address ofthe device installed on the Maqueen platform.

-micro bit
-Maqueen robot
-I2C device (sensors, LCD,etc.)  
-4 pin jump wire

-mind+ You can download from http://mindplus.cc/
Steps :
1.open mind+  click extension
                              Maqueen - how to get an I2C address of a device installed on Maqueen platform图2

2. click kit and select Maqueen

Maqueen - how to get an I2C address of a device installed on Maqueen platform图3

3. We have an I2C scan function integrated. Then clickFunction and select IIC scan.

Maqueen - how to get an I2C address of a device installed on Maqueen platform图4

4. After addingboth, you will find the blocks in the programming page. And then program likethis and it will display the all detected I2Caddresses in the serial monitor.
Maqueen - how to get an I2C address of a device installed on Maqueen platform图5

5. set upyour connection, connect the micro bit with PC and plug the micro bit on the Maqueenchassis. And connect the I2C module to I2C port.

Maqueen - how to get an I2C address of a device installed on Maqueen platform图6

DifferentI2C modules have different I2C addresses. (We are using BME 280 Environmentsensor and Li-battery fuel gauge as examples here)
Maqueen - how to get an I2C address of a device installed on Maqueen platform图7

6. Uploadthe code and open the Serial. If you plug nothing, the detected I2C address isonly 0x10. Then plug BME280 Environment sensor, it gives one more I2C address,which is
0x36. Then switch to the fuel gauge module, the I2C address changes to 0x77.   
Maqueen - how to get an I2C address of a device installed on Maqueen platform图1

That is how I determine the I2C address of a deviceinstalled on Maqueen. Hope it can be helpful for you.

汤果  初级技神

发表于 2019-8-20 16:47:23

good tutorial!

使用道具 举报

gada888  版主

发表于 2019-8-28 11:32:14


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