- #mPythonType:0
- # # exec(open('./mPythonFactorytest_2_0.py').read(),globals())
- # exec(open('./mPythonDemo.py').read(),globals())
- # Flappy Bird game for mPython
- # frok from github.com/zelacerda/micropython ,2017 - by zelacerda
- # modify from LabPlus@Tangliufeng
- import ntptime
- from mpython import*
- from machine import Timer,RTC
- import _thread
- from random import randint
- from math import sin, cos
- have_magnetics = True if 48 in i2c.scan() else False
- data=(2018, 12, 15, 6, 8,30, 0, 0)
- RTC().datetime(data)
- clock=Clock(oled,64,32,30)
- mode=0
- modeNum=5
- if have_magnetics: modeNum+=1
- Center_x=63
- Center_y=31
- # 绘制罗盘中心坐标和半径
- xc,yc,comp_r= 64,32,30
- is_calibrate = False
- def draw_heading(angle):
- """绘制磁北指针"""
- global xc,yc,comp_r
- angle = 360 - angle
- am = math.pi * 2.0 * angle / 360
- xm = round(xc + comp_r * math.sin(am))
- ym = round(yc - comp_r * math.cos(am))
- oled.line(xc, yc, xm, ym, 1)
- def scanBtnThread(_):
- global mode
- aState=0
- bState=0
- lastaState =0
- lastbState =0
- while True:
- try:
- aState=button_a.value()
- bState=button_b.value()
- if aState!=lastaState:
- sleep_ms(20)
- if aState==0:
- mode=mode-1
- mode=mode % modeNum
- print("mode:%d" %mode)
- lastaState=aState
- if bState!=lastbState:
- sleep_ms(20)
- if bState==0:
- mode=mode+1
- mode=mode % modeNum
- print("mode:%d" %mode)
- lastbState=bState
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- _thread.exit()
- # break
- _thread.start_new_thread(scanBtnThread,(1,))
- def Refresh(_):
- if mode ==0:
- oled.DispChar("钟表",0,0)
- clock.settime()
- clock.drawClock()
- oled.show()
- oled.fill(0)
- tim1 = Timer(1)
- tim1.init(period=1000, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=Refresh)
- class snow():
- def __init__(self):
- self.x = randint(0,127) #随机生成雪花的起始坐标点
- self.y = randint(0,10)
- self.r = randint(1,2) #随机生成雪花的半径大小
- self.vx = randint(-2,2) #随机生成雪花的x,y移动路径
- self.vy = randint(1,3)
- def refresh(self):
- self.x += self.vx #下移坐标,雪花落下
- self.y += self.vy
- if self.x > 128 or self.x < 0:
- self.x = randint(0,127)
- if self.y > 63 or self.y < 0:
- self.y = 0
- def run(self):
- self.refresh()
- oled.fill_circle(self.x,self.y,self.r,1) #画雪花
- balls = []
- for x in range(20): #生成20个雪花点
- balls.append(snow())
- import music # 导入music模块
- note=["C4:2","D4:2","E4:2","F4:2","G4:2","A4:2","B4:2"] # 定义7音阶的元组
- pStatus,yStatus,tStatus,hStatus,oStatus,nStatus,p0Status=[1]*7 # 按键状态标记变量
- p0 = TouchPad(Pin(33)) # 由于掌控板上的触摸按键只有6个,还需拓展多一个引脚P0,对应ESP32的IO33
- def drawPiano(x,y,w,h,num):
- if num==0:
- for i in range(7):
- oled.rect((x+i*w),y,w,h,1)
- else:
- oled.fill_rect((x+(num-1)*w),y,w,h,1)
- X = const(64)
- Y = const(32)
- f = [[0.0 for _ in range(3)] for _ in range(8)]
- cube = ((-20,-20, 20), (20,-20, 20), (20,20, 20), (-20,20, 20),
- (-20,-20,-20), (20,-20,-20), (20,20,-20), (-20,20,-20))
- while True:
- if mode ==1:
- oled.text("level",0,0)
- x=accelerometer.get_x()
- y=accelerometer.get_y()
- if y<=1 and y>=-1:
- offsetX=int(numberMap(y,1,-1,-64,64))
- if x<=1 and x>=-1:
- offsetY=int(numberMap(x,1,-1,32,-32))
- move_x=Center_x+offsetX
- move_y=Center_y+offsetY
- oled.circle(Center_x,Center_y,6,1)
- oled.fill_circle(move_x,move_y,4,1)
- oled.text("%0.1f,%0.1f" %(x,y),60,0)
- if offsetX==0 and offsetY==0:
- rgb.fill((0,10,0))
- rgb.write()
- else:
- rgb.fill((0,0,0))
- rgb.write()
- oled.show()
- oled.fill(0)
- if mode ==2:
- oled.DispChar("钢琴",0,0)
- drawPiano(28,20,10,35,0)
- if touchPad_P.read()<100 and pStatus==1: # 检测按键按下和判断按键标记
- music.play(note[0],wait=False) # 播放音符
- drawPiano(28,20,10,35,1)
- pStatus=0 # 按键标记置0
- elif touchPad_P.read()>=100:
- pStatus=1
- if touchPad_Y.read()<100 and yStatus==1:
- music.play(note[1],wait=False)
- drawPiano(28,20,10,35,2)
- yStatus=0
- elif touchPad_Y.read()>=100:
- yStatus=1
- if touchPad_T.read()<100 and tStatus==1:
- music.play(note[2],wait=False)
- drawPiano(28,20,10,35,3)
- tStatus=0
- elif touchPad_T.read()>=100:
- tStatus=1
- if touchPad_H.read()<100 and hStatus==1:
- music.play(note[3],wait=False)
- drawPiano(28,20,10,35,4)
- hStatus=0
- elif touchPad_H.read()>=100:
- hStatus=1
- if touchPad_O.read()<100 and oStatus==1:
- music.play(note[4],wait=False)
- drawPiano(28,20,10,35,5)
- oStatus=0
- elif touchPad_O.read()>=100:
- oStatus=1
- if touchPad_N.read()<100 and nStatus==1:
- music.play(note[5],wait=False)
- drawPiano(28,20,10,35,6)
- nStatus=0
- elif touchPad_N.read()>=100:
- nStatus=1
- if p0.read()<100 and p0Status==1:
- music.play(note[6],wait=False)
- drawPiano(28,20,10,35,7)
- p0Status=0
- elif p0.read()>=100:
- p0Status=1
- oled.show()
- oled.fill(0)
- if mode ==3:
- oled.DispChar("飘雪",0,0)
- for b in balls: #雪花落下
- b.run()
- oled.show() #显示oled
- oled.fill(0) #清屏
- sleep_ms(50) #刷新时间
- if mode ==4:
- prevmode=mode
- for angle in range(0, 361, 5): # 0 to 360 deg 3step
- if prevmode !=mode:
- break
- for i in range(8):
- r = angle * 0.0174532 # 1 degree
- x1 = cube[i][2] * sin(r) + cube[i][0] * cos(r) # rotate Y
- ya = cube[i][1]
- z1 = cube[i][2] * cos(r) - cube[i][0] * sin(r)
- x2 = x1
- y2 = ya * cos(r) - z1 * sin(r) # rotate X
- z2 = ya * sin(r) + z1 * cos(r)
- x3 = x2 * cos(r) - y2 * sin(r) # rotate Z
- y3 = x2 * sin(r) + y2 * cos(r)
- z3 = z2
- x3 = x3 + X
- y3 = y3 + Y
- f[i][0] = x3 # store new values
- f[i][1] = y3
- f[i][2] = z3
- oled.line(int(f[0][0]), int(f[0][1]), int(f[1][0]), int(f[1][1]), 1)
- oled.line(int(f[1][0]), int(f[1][1]), int(f[2][0]), int(f[2][1]), 1)
- oled.line(int(f[2][0]), int(f[2][1]), int(f[3][0]), int(f[3][1]), 1)
- oled.line(int(f[3][0]), int(f[3][1]), int(f[0][0]), int(f[0][1]), 1)
- oled.line(int(f[4][0]), int(f[4][1]), int(f[5][0]), int(f[5][1]), 1)
- oled.line(int(f[5][0]), int(f[5][1]), int(f[6][0]), int(f[6][1]), 1)
- oled.line(int(f[6][0]), int(f[6][1]), int(f[7][0]), int(f[7][1]), 1)
- oled.line(int(f[7][0]), int(f[7][1]), int(f[4][0]), int(f[4][1]), 1)
- oled.line(int(f[0][0]), int(f[0][1]), int(f[4][0]), int(f[4][1]), 1)
- oled.line(int(f[1][0]), int(f[1][1]), int(f[5][0]), int(f[5][1]), 1)
- oled.line(int(f[2][0]), int(f[2][1]), int(f[6][0]), int(f[6][1]), 1)
- oled.line(int(f[3][0]), int(f[3][1]), int(f[7][0]), int(f[7][1]), 1)
- oled.line(int(f[1][0]), int(f[1][1]), int(f[3][0]), int(f[3][1]), 1) # cross
- oled.line(int(f[0][0]), int(f[0][1]), int(f[2][0]), int(f[2][1]), 1) # cross
- oled.DispChar('3D cube', 0, 0)
- oled.show() # display
- oled.fill(0) # clear
- if mode == 5 and have_magnetics:
- prevmode=mode
- oled.DispChar('指北针',0,0)
- # 电子罗盘校准
- if not is_calibrate:
- magnetic.calibrate()
- is_calibrate =True
- # sleep(2)
- oled.DispChar('指北针',0,0)
- # 绘制罗盘轮廓
- oled.circle(xc, yc, comp_r+1, 1)
- oled.show()
- while True:
- if prevmode !=mode:
- oled.fill(0)
- break
- # 获取磁力计电子罗盘角度
- angle = magnetic.get_heading()
- # 清除指针
- oled.fill_circle(xc, yc, comp_r, 0)
- oled.fill_rect(95,0,30,16,0)
- # 显示罗盘指针
- draw_heading(angle)
- oled.text("d" %angle,95,0)
- oled.show()
- print("磁北极夹角: %d" %angle)