本帖最后由 TRIM 于 2024-2-26 18:54 编辑
- import sys
- import random
- import pygame
- # 画棋盘
- def draw_chessboard():
- window.fill((219, 182, 123))
- # pygame.draw.rect(window, (0, 0, 0), (2, 2, 758, 758), 4)
- pygame.draw.rect(window, (0, 0, 0), (20, 20, 720, 720), 2)
- for x in range(1, 18):
- pygame.draw.line(window, (0, 0, 0), (x * 40 + 20, 20), (x * 40 + 20, 739), 2)
- for y in range(1, 18):
- pygame.draw.line(window, (0, 0, 0), (20, y * 40 + 20), (739, y * 40 + 20), 2)
- pygame.draw.circle(window, (0, 0, 0), (141, 141), 6, 0)
- pygame.draw.circle(window, (0, 0, 0), (381, 141), 6, 0)
- pygame.draw.circle(window, (0, 0, 0), (621, 141), 6, 0)
- pygame.draw.circle(window, (0, 0, 0), (141, 381), 6, 0)
- pygame.draw.circle(window, (0, 0, 0), (381, 381), 6, 0)
- pygame.draw.circle(window, (0, 0, 0), (621, 381), 6, 0)
- pygame.draw.circle(window, (0, 0, 0), (141, 621), 6, 0)
- pygame.draw.circle(window, (0, 0, 0), (381, 621), 6, 0)
- pygame.draw.circle(window, (0, 0, 0), (621, 621), 6, 0)
- text = font_30.render(tips, True, (255, 255, 255))
- window.blit(text, (760, 365))
- # 刷新棋盘
- def chessboard_refresh():
- draw_chessboard()
- for black_coordinate in black_coordinate_list:
- pygame.draw.circle(window, (0, 0, 0),
- ((black_coordinate[0] - 1) * 40 + 21, (black_coordinate[1] - 1) * 40 + 21), 17, 0)
- for white_coordinate in white_coordinate_list:
- pygame.draw.circle(window, (255, 255, 255),
- ((white_coordinate[0] - 1) * 40 + 21, (white_coordinate[1] - 1) * 40 + 21), 17, 0)
- # 将鼠标点击坐标转换成棋盘坐标
- def mouse_coordinate_to_chessboard_coordinate(mouse_x, mouse_y):
- if mouse_x > 762 or mouse_y > 762:
- return "out of range"
- else:
- return int((mouse_x - 2) / 40) + 1, int((mouse_y - 2) / 40) + 1
- # 放置棋子
- def place_chess(chessboard_coordinate_f, side_f):
- if side_f == "black":
- black_coordinate_list.append(chessboard_coordinate_f)
- if side_f == "white":
- white_coordinate_list.append(chessboard_coordinate_f)
- # 检查是否有某一方胜利
- def check_chess():
- winner = " "
- for x in range(1, 20):
- for y in range(1, 20):
- # 检查白子
- count = 0
- for near_x in range(-2, 3):
- if (x + near_x, y) in white_coordinate_list:
- count += 1
- if count == 5:
- winner = "white"
- count = 0
- for near_y in range(-2, 3):
- if (x, y + near_y) in white_coordinate_list:
- count += 1
- if count == 5:
- winner = "white"
- count = 0
- for near in range(-2, 3):
- if (x + near, y + near) in white_coordinate_list:
- count += 1
- if count == 5:
- winner = "white"
- count = 0
- for near in range(-2, 3):
- if (x + near, y - near) in white_coordinate_list:
- count += 1
- if count == 5:
- winner = "white"
- # 检查黑子
- count = 0
- for near_x in range(-2, 3):
- if (x + near_x, y) in black_coordinate_list:
- count += 1
- if count == 5:
- winner = "black"
- count = 0
- for near_y in range(-2, 3):
- if (x, y + near_y) in black_coordinate_list:
- count += 1
- if count == 5:
- winner = "black"
- count = 0
- for near in range(-2, 3):
- if (x + near, y + near) in black_coordinate_list:
- count += 1
- if count == 5:
- winner = "black"
- count = 0
- for near in range(-2, 3):
- if (x + near, y - near) in black_coordinate_list:
- count += 1
- if count == 5:
- winner = "black"
- return winner
- # 白子下此坐标,能赢的机会
- def the_chance_to_win(x, y): # edge_■ empty_▫ black_● white_◌
- global text_tp
- total_chance = 0
- text_tp += "水平方向:" + "\n"
- # 水平方向,堵住黑子的个数
- # 先获得该坐标附近9点的状态
- chess_list_first = []
- for i in range(-4,5):
- if i == 0:
- chess_list_first.append("◉")
- elif x + i < 1 or x + i > 19:
- chess_list_first.append("■")
- elif (x + i, y) in black_coordinate_list:
- chess_list_first.append("●")
- elif (x + i, y) in white_coordinate_list:
- chess_list_first.append("◌")
- else:
- chess_list_first.append("▫")
- # 列表n1:排除从中间开始,已被白子挡住的黑子
- list_slice_head = 0
- list_slice_end = 9
- for i in range (1,5):
- if chess_list_first[4 - i] == "◌" or chess_list_first[4 - i] == "■":
- if list_slice_head == 0:
- list_slice_head = 5 - i
- if chess_list_first[4 + i] == "◌" or chess_list_first[4 + i] == "■":
- if list_slice_end == 9:
- list_slice_end = 4 + i
- chess_list_n1 = chess_list_first[list_slice_head:list_slice_end]
- # 列表n2:从中间开始,与当前坐标紧紧相连的黑子
- list_slice_head = 0
- list_slice_end = 9
- for i in range (1,5):
- if chess_list_first[4 - i] == "▫" or chess_list_first[4 - i] == "◌":
- if list_slice_head == 0:
- list_slice_head = 5 - i
- if chess_list_first[4 + i] == "▫" or chess_list_first[4 + i] == "◌":
- if list_slice_end == 9:
- list_slice_end = 4 + i
- chess_list_n2 = chess_list_first[list_slice_head:list_slice_end]
- du_zhu = 1
- try:
- if (x + list_slice_head - 5,y) in white_coordinate_list or x + list_slice_head - 5 < 1:
- du_zhu += 0.5
- except:
- pass
- try:
- if (x + list_slice_end - 4,y) in white_coordinate_list or x + list_slice_end - 4 > 19:
- du_zhu += 0.5
- except:
- pass
- total_chance += chess_list_n2.count("●") * chess_list_n2.count("●")
- total_chance += chess_list_n1.count("●")
- if chess_list_n2.count("●") == 3 and du_zhu <= 1:
- total_chance += 99999
- if chess_list_n2.count("●") == 4 and du_zhu <= 1.5:
- total_chance += 99999
- if chess_list_n2.count("●") == 5 and du_zhu <= 2:
- total_chance += 114514
- try:
- total_chance /= du_zhu
- except:
- pass
- text_tp += "chess_list_first:" + str(chess_list_first) + "\n"
- text_tp += "chess_list_n1:" + str(chess_list_n1) + "\n"
- text_tp += "chess_list_n2:" + str(chess_list_n2) + "\n"
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- text_tp += "竖直方向:" + "\n"
- # 竖直方向,堵住黑子的个数
- # 先获得该坐标附近9点的状态
- chess_list_first = []
- for i in range(-4,5):
- if i == 0:
- chess_list_first.append("◉")
- elif y + i < 1 or y + i > 19:
- chess_list_first.append("■")
- elif (x, y + i) in black_coordinate_list:
- chess_list_first.append("●")
- elif (x, y + i) in white_coordinate_list:
- chess_list_first.append("◌")
- else:
- chess_list_first.append("▫")
- # 列表n1:排除从中间开始,已被白子挡住的黑子
- list_slice_head = 0
- list_slice_end = 9
- for i in range (1,5):
- if chess_list_first[4 - i] == "◌" or chess_list_first[4 - i] == "■":
- if list_slice_head == 0:
- list_slice_head = 5 - i
- if chess_list_first[4 + i] == "◌" or chess_list_first[4 + i] == "■":
- if list_slice_end == 9:
- list_slice_end = 4 + i
- chess_list_n1 = chess_list_first[list_slice_head:list_slice_end]
- # 列表n2:从中间开始,与当前坐标紧紧相连的黑子
- list_slice_head = 0
- list_slice_end = 9
- for i in range (1,5):
- if chess_list_first[4 - i] == "▫" or chess_list_first[4 - i] == "◌":
- if list_slice_head == 0:
- list_slice_head = 5 - i
- if chess_list_first[4 + i] == "▫" or chess_list_first[4 + i] == "◌":
- if list_slice_end == 9:
- list_slice_end = 4 + i
- chess_list_n2 = chess_list_first[list_slice_head:list_slice_end]
- du_zhu = 1
- try:
- if (x,y + list_slice_head - 5) in white_coordinate_list or y + list_slice_head - 5 < 1:
- du_zhu += 0.5
- except:
- pass
- try:
- if (x,y + list_slice_end - 4) in white_coordinate_list or y + list_slice_end - 4 > 19:
- du_zhu += 0.5
- except:
- pass
- total_chance += chess_list_n2.count("●") * chess_list_n2.count("●")
- total_chance += chess_list_n1.count("●")
- if chess_list_n2.count("●") == 3 and du_zhu <= 1:
- total_chance += 99999
- if chess_list_n2.count("●") == 4 and du_zhu <= 1.5:
- total_chance += 99999
- if chess_list_n2.count("●") == 5 and du_zhu <= 2:
- total_chance += 114514
- try:
- total_chance /= du_zhu
- except:
- pass
- text_tp += "chess_list_first:" + str(chess_list_first) + "\n"
- text_tp += "chess_list_n1:" + str(chess_list_n1) + "\n"
- text_tp += "chess_list_n2:" + str(chess_list_n2) + "\n"
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- text_tp += "斜向下方向:" + "\n"
- # 斜向下方向,堵住黑子的个数
- # 先获得该坐标附近9点的状态
- chess_list_first = []
- for i in range(-4,5):
- if i == 0:
- chess_list_first.append("◉")
- elif x + i < 1 or x + i > 19 or y + i < 1 or y + i > 19:
- chess_list_first.append("■")
- elif (x + i, y + i) in black_coordinate_list:
- chess_list_first.append("●")
- elif (x + i, y + i) in white_coordinate_list:
- chess_list_first.append("◌")
- else:
- chess_list_first.append("▫")
- # 列表n1:排除从中间开始,已被白子挡住的黑子
- list_slice_head = 0
- list_slice_end = 9
- for i in range (1,5):
- if chess_list_first[4 - i] == "◌" or chess_list_first[4 - i] == "■":
- if list_slice_head == 0:
- list_slice_head = 5 - i
- if chess_list_first[4 + i] == "◌" or chess_list_first[4 + i] == "■":
- if list_slice_end == 9:
- list_slice_end = 4 + i
- chess_list_n1 = chess_list_first[list_slice_head:list_slice_end]
- # 列表n2:从中间开始,与当前坐标紧紧相连的黑子
- list_slice_head = 0
- list_slice_end = 9
- for i in range (1,5):
- if chess_list_first[4 - i] == "▫" or chess_list_first[4 - i] == "◌":
- if list_slice_head == 0:
- list_slice_head = 5 - i
- if chess_list_first[4 + i] == "▫" or chess_list_first[4 + i] == "◌":
- if list_slice_end == 9:
- list_slice_end = 4 + i
- chess_list_n2 = chess_list_first[list_slice_head:list_slice_end]
- du_zhu = 1
- try:
- if (x + list_slice_head - 5,y + list_slice_head - 5) in white_coordinate_list or x + list_slice_head - 5 < 1 or y + list_slice_head - 5 < 1:
- du_zhu += 0.5
- except:
- pass
- try:
- if (x + list_slice_end - 4,y + list_slice_end - 4) in white_coordinate_list or x + list_slice_end - 4 > 19 or y + list_slice_end - 4 > 19:
- du_zhu += 0.5
- except:
- pass
- total_chance += chess_list_n2.count("●") * chess_list_n2.count("●")
- total_chance += chess_list_n1.count("●")
- if chess_list_n2.count("●") == 3 and du_zhu <= 1:
- total_chance += 99999
- if chess_list_n2.count("●") == 4 and du_zhu <= 1.5:
- total_chance += 99999
- if chess_list_n2.count("●") == 5 and du_zhu <= 2:
- total_chance += 114514
- try:
- total_chance /= du_zhu
- except:
- pass
- text_tp += "chess_list_first:" + str(chess_list_first) + "\n"
- text_tp += "chess_list_n1:" + str(chess_list_n1) + "\n"
- text_tp += "chess_list_n2:" + str(chess_list_n2) + "\n"
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- text_tp += "斜向上方向:" + "\n"
- # 斜向上方向,堵住黑子的个数
- # 先获得该坐标附近9点的状态
- chess_list_first = []
- for i in range(-4,5):
- if i == 0:
- chess_list_first.append("◉")
- elif x + i < 1 or x + i > 19 or y - i < 1 or y - i > 19:
- chess_list_first.append("■")
- elif (x + i, y - i) in black_coordinate_list:
- chess_list_first.append("●")
- elif (x + i, y - i) in white_coordinate_list:
- chess_list_first.append("◌")
- else:
- chess_list_first.append("▫")
- # 列表n1:排除从中间开始,已被白子挡住的黑子
- list_slice_head = 0
- list_slice_end = 9
- for i in range (1,5):
- if chess_list_first[4 - i] == "◌" or chess_list_first[4 - i] == "■":
- if list_slice_head == 0:
- list_slice_head = 5 - i
- if chess_list_first[4 + i] == "◌" or chess_list_first[4 + i] == "■":
- if list_slice_end == 9:
- list_slice_end = 4 + i
- chess_list_n1 = chess_list_first[list_slice_head:list_slice_end]
- # 列表n2:从中间开始,与当前坐标紧紧相连的黑子
- list_slice_head = 0
- list_slice_end = 9
- for i in range (1,5):
- if chess_list_first[4 - i] == "▫" or chess_list_first[4 - i] == "◌":
- if list_slice_head == 0:
- list_slice_head = 5 - i
- if chess_list_first[4 + i] == "▫" or chess_list_first[4 + i] == "◌":
- if list_slice_end == 9:
- list_slice_end = 4 + i
- chess_list_n2 = chess_list_first[list_slice_head:list_slice_end]
- du_zhu = 1
- try:
- if (x + list_slice_head - 5,y - list_slice_head + 5) in white_coordinate_list or x + list_slice_head - 5 < 1 or y - list_slice_head + 5 < 1:
- du_zhu += 0.5
- except:
- pass
- try:
- if (x + list_slice_end - 4,y - list_slice_end + 4) in white_coordinate_list or x + list_slice_end - 4 > 19 or y - list_slice_end + 4 > 19:
- du_zhu += 0.5
- except:
- pass
- total_chance += chess_list_n2.count("●") * chess_list_n2.count("●")
- total_chance += chess_list_n1.count("●")
- if chess_list_n2.count("●") == 3 and du_zhu <= 1:
- total_chance += 99999
- if chess_list_n2.count("●") == 4 and du_zhu <= 1.5:
- total_chance += 99999
- if chess_list_n2.count("●") == 5 and du_zhu <= 2:
- total_chance += 114514
- try:
- total_chance /= du_zhu
- except:
- pass
- text_tp += "chess_list_first:" + str(chess_list_first) + "\n"
- text_tp += "chess_list_n1:" + str(chess_list_n1) + "\n"
- text_tp += "chess_list_n2:" + str(chess_list_n2) + "\n"
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if (x,y) in black_coordinate_list or (x,y) in white_coordinate_list:
- total_chance = -1
- return total_chance
- # 初始化
- pygame.init()
- part_add = 0
- delta_list_add = 1
- black_coordinate_list = []
- white_coordinate_list = []
- tips = " "
- game_mode = "start"
- window = pygame.display.set_mode((1000, 762))
- font_30 = pygame.font.Font("C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\simhei.ttf", 30)
- draw_chessboard()
- pygame.display.flip()
- side = "black"
- # 主循环
- while True:
- for event in pygame.event.get():
- # 检测退出
- if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
- pygame.quit()
- sys.exit()
- # 按空格重开
- if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
- if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE:
- black_coordinate_list = []
- white_coordinate_list = []
- tips = " "
- game_mode = "start"
- draw_chessboard()
- pygame.display.flip()
- side = "black"
- # 鼠标按下后
- if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
- if game_mode == "end":
- black_coordinate_list = []
- white_coordinate_list = []
- tips = " "
- game_mode = "start"
- draw_chessboard()
- pygame.display.flip()
- side = "black"
- chessboard_coordinate = mouse_coordinate_to_chessboard_coordinate(event.pos[0], event.pos[1])
- if not chessboard_coordinate == "out of range":
- if chessboard_coordinate not in black_coordinate_list and chessboard_coordinate not in white_coordinate_list:
- place_chess(chessboard_coordinate, side)
- total_chance = 0
- chance_xy = [(10, 10)]
- text_tp = ""
- text_tp += "edge_■ empty_▫ black_● white_◌\n"
- # 逐一计算每个坐标的概率
- for x in range(1, 20):
- for y in range(1, 20):
- text_tp += "--------------------------------------------------\n坐标:(" + str(x) + "," + str(y) + ")\n"
- self_chance = the_chance_to_win(x, y)
- text_tp += "总共\nchance:" + str(self_chance) + "\n"
- if self_chance > total_chance:
- total_chance = self_chance
- chance_xy = [(x, y)]
- elif self_chance == total_chance:
- chance_xy.append((x, y))
- # 下面这行启用后,会输出7000行多的内容,感兴趣的可自行查看(可能会非常卡)
- # print(text_tp)
- last_chance_xy = random.choice(chance_xy)
- place_chess(last_chance_xy, "white")
- side = "black"
- if check_chess() == "black":
- tips = "黑棋获胜"
- game_mode = "end"
- elif check_chess() == "white":
- tips = "白棋获胜"
- game_mode = "end"
- draw_chessboard()
- chessboard_refresh()
- pygame.display.flip()
- '''
- Gobang by TRIM
- V 1.2.0
- '''