本帖最后由 孙毅 于 2015-11-22 13:08 编辑
- # Libraries required
- import os
- import smtplib
- from email.mime.text import MIMEText
- import getpass
- # Color class for output messages
- class text_colors:
- RED = '\033[91m'
- GREEN = '\033[92m'
- YELLOW = '\033[93m'
- BLUE = '\033[94m'
- MAGENTA = '\033[95m'
- CYAN = '\033[96m'
- END = '\033[0m'
- #Set the local host to use
- """
- If you want to send emails from a Google account
- use as local host: smtp.gmail.com
- If you want you send emails from a Hotmail account
- use as local host: smtp.live.com
- The local host will be selected properly once the user
- enter the sender email.
- """
- localHost = ""
- def enter_credentials():
- print ""
- print text_colors.GREEN + "Provide the sender (password) and receiver email address." + text_colors.END
- print ""
- print text_colors.YELLOW + "Note: Currently the email can be sent only from gmail and hotmail accounts." + text_colors.END
- while True:
- print ""
- emailSender = raw_input("Email sender: ")
- if "@gmail." in emailSender:
- localHost = "smtp.gmail.com"
- break
- elif "@hotmail." in emailSender or "@live." in emailSender:
- localHost = "smtp.live.com"
- break
- else:
- print ""
- print text_colors.RED + "Error: The email entered is not validated. It has to be a gmail or hotmail account." + text_colors.END
- password = getpass.getpass(prompt="Password: ")
- emailReceiver = raw_input("Email receiver: ")
- return emailSender, password, emailReceiver, localHost
- def build_message():
- print ""
- print text_colors.GREEN + "Build the email's content." + text_colors.END
- print ""
- emailSubject = raw_input("Email subject: ")
- emailContent = raw_input("Email content: ")
- return MIMEText(emailContent), emailSubject
- def send_email():
- global emailSender, password, emailReceiver, localHost, message
- # Try to connect to the SMTP Server
- try:
- print ""
- print text_colors.GREEN + "Connecting to SMTP Server..." + text_colors.END
- mailServer = smtplib.SMTP(localHost,587)
- mailServer.starttls()
- mailServer.login(emailSender,password)
- except smtplib.SMTPAuthenticationError:
- print ""
- print text_colors.RED + "Authentication Error. Can't login." + text_colors.END
- mailServer.quit()
- exit()
- except:
- print ""
- print text_colors.RED + "Error. Can't connect to the SMTP Server." + text_colors.END
- exit()
- else:
- print ""
- print text_colors.GREEN + "Login successfully." + text_colors.END
- # Try to send the email
- try:
- print ""
- print text_colors.GREEN + "Sending email..." + text_colors.END
- mailServer.sendmail(emailSender,emailReceiver,message.as_string())
- except:
- print ""
- print text_colors.RED + "Error. The email couldn't be sent." + text_colors.END
- else:
- print ""
- print text_colors.GREEN + "Email sent successfully." + text_colors.END
- finally:
- mailServer.quit()
- exit()
- def main():
- global emailSender, password, emailReceiver, localHost, message
- os.system("clear")
- print text_colors.CYAN + "SendSimpleText.py" + text_colors.END
- # Asks for the credentials prior to send the email
- emailSender, password, emailReceiver, localHost = enter_credentials()
- # Asks for the email's content
- message, message['Subject'] = build_message()
- message['From'] = emailSender
- message['To'] = emailReceiver
- # Sends the email
- send_email()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()