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[求助] BLE-link 如何设置HID模式?谢谢 |
@Cain, 设置HID后,在mac下看到如下信息, 其中major type和service都是空 Devices (Paired, Configured, etc.): Bluno: Address: F4-B8-5E-47-BE-E1 Random Address: No Services: Paired: Yes Configured: Yes Connected: Yes Vendor ID: 0x000D Class of Device: Low Energy AFH: On AFH Map: ff00f0ff1f RSSI: -64 Role: Central Connection Mode: Active Mode Interval: 0 ms KB: Address: 98-5A-EB-BD-42-39 Major Type: Peripheral Minor Type: Keyboard Services: Apple Wireless Keyboard Paired: Yes Configured: Yes Connected: Yes Manufacturer: Apple (0x3, 0x31C) Battery Level: 100% Firmware Version: 0x0050 Vendor ID: 0x05AC Product ID: 0x0255 Class of Device: 0x05 0x10 0x2540 AFH: On AFH Map: FEFF300F8FFFFFF3F RSSI: -46 Role: Master Connection Mode: Sniff Mode Interval: 11.25 ms Host Connectable: Yes EDR Supported: No eSCO Supported: No SSP Supported: No |
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