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关于Proto Shield for Arduino Mega的中肯改进意见 |
来自Amazon客户关于Proto Shield For Mega的改进意见 Except for one thing, this board is kind of nice. But what a BLUNDER. The design is rather nice. They thought to leave the area over the metal USB port blank, so no worries about shorted pins. The area for the surface mount IC is nice. I mean, this is a blank board, what could they get wrong? Ah, yes. Well, the biggest one is that, instead of using stacking headers, they moved all the pins from the standard places. <headsmack> You CANNOT plug any other shield into this one. Since there are relatively few mega sized shields, you might naturally want to stack a smaller board on top of this one, but you can't. And you obviously can't put this board on top of an Uno sized shield. It would be brilliant if you could stack smaller boards on top, since the larger mega board would peek out from underneath, and you could easily access eight analog pins and 34 digital pins. That would be sweet, but the dumb layout of this board makes that impossible. 最好能够给出兼容UNO引脚的Header,这样后面还有足够的空间做原型开发,同时还能叠放类似LCD Shield这样的产品。 For some unimaginable reason, they moved every single flipping pin. The concept of stacking headers, ubiquitous in Arduino land, they never heard of. One of the truly brilliant features of the Arduino, sinple and effective, ruined by some non-thinking engineer. Or secretary, or whoever designed this board. But wait. You could unsolder 64 pins x 2 pins. That's only 128 pins to unsolder! Then you could buy some stacking headers, and it would be sweet. But then, you would be better off going to radio trash and getting some plain two dollar proto board. I paid close to $20 with shipping for this thing, and it's nearly unusable. One other dumb thing. The white silk screen is not decoration, board maker. Next time, use it to make it clear which of hundreds of solder pads are connected. It's almost impossible to see tiny traces under solder mask, which is the entire idea of the silk screen in the first place. Jeez. Oh, and the reset button is a nice idea, but why not put it in the corner where you can get past the wires and chips which are the whole reason for buying a proto shield? They didn't think it through. In short, board makers, please give two minutes of thought to these boards before you make tens of thousands of them. It's not like it would cost any more to make them properly. Repeat, you can't stack this with *any* other long or short board. If you were thinking this was a way to get at the extra mega pins and still stack other boards on top, you can't. |
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