2021年,由Linux基金会、上海市科委、北京市科委、中关村管委会、全球开源技术峰会等单位联合主办,在Intel、 VMware、InnoSpace、百度、紫竹ET、EMQ、Canonical、中科创达、IOTech等联合承办单位的共同支持下,第二届2021 EdgeX中国挑战赛将在上海、北京、深圳三地同步展开。我们邀请富有创新思想和强大技术能量的挑战者,共同构建新的解决方案,进一步推动产业发展和壮大。
伴随着物联网应用进一步演进,越来越多实际场景要求数据本地存储、隐私保护、低传输时延、低成本,边缘计算技术因此迅猛发展。EdgeX Foundry是全球领先的开放边缘计算框架,能够更敏捷地利用物联网、人工智能、计算机视觉等先进技术,在靠近用户侧实现终端及云端协议适配、工作负载本地整合等功能,有效化解各行业在数字化转型过程中的困难与挑战,充分解决边缘计算及物联网平台的技术难题。
About EdgeX Challenge
Edgex Challenge China is an international hackathon event on EdgeX, hosted by LF Edge. EdgeX Foundry provides IoT and edge computing reference architectures for vertical segments: commerce, health, industrial, logistics, enabling more industry solutions and solving more business challenges. With the success of EdgeX Challenge in China, EdgeX Foundry has further expanded its adoption in China and around the world, which plays an important role in the construction of edge computing, AIoT, and the ecosystem.
Edgex Challenge China 2021 is Co-hosted by the Linux Foundation, STCSM, BMSTC,ACoZSP and the Global Opensource Technology Summit, with the support of Intel, VMware, InnoSpace, Baidu, Zizhu-ET, EMQ, Canonical, ThunderSoft and IOTech. 2021 EdgeX Challenge China will be held in Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen in parallel. We invite geeks with innovative ideas and technical strengths to build new solutions to further promote the developments and growth of the industries.
This event consists of tracks of commerce & health, industrial & logistics, and it will start at Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen to allow more developers to join. This event aims to build a learning and sharing platform about adopting IoT & EdgeX Foundry to heal industry problems along with digital transformation. Edgex Challenge China is one of the important events of evangelizing EdgeX Foundry.
With the evolvement of IoT, more and more real-world use cases demand local data storage, privacy protection, low transition latency and low cost. As Edge computing technologies are growing rapidly, EdgeX Foundry has become the world’s leading open edge computing framework, capable for agile use of IoT, AI and Computer Vision, to effectively resolve difficulties and challenges faced by various industries. Protocol adaptation of different sensors/devices and cloud, workload consolidation closer to the users, will help solve the technical problems, accelerate industry’s digital transformation process.