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[讨论] 3D打印的昨天、今天和明天 |
Winter weather can be dangerous, but is mostly just annoying. And I’m not just talking about the cold, the slippery roads, the traffic jams, the endless weather reports and the public transport delays. Perhaps most annoying is the seemingly countless times you have to shovel snow from your driveway. Fortunately, Ryan, a tinkerer from Minnesota, has come up with the perfect solution: a 3D printed snow blower.![]() ![]() He therefore started an extensive remodelling project to turn it into a snow blower, and it turned into a giant RC creation. The snow cutting section is a massive 14 by 6 inches, while the blow hole is approximately 2 inches wide. More importantly, the results have proved so satisfactory that he is planning on selling them – either as a set of STL files and extensive guide (for $60) or as a completed 3D printed kit (price not yet known). Either way, you’ll need to get your hands on your own Kyosho Blizzard SR, which isn’t cheap as it is, but the entire project certainly looks like a very fun way to clean your drive way; your kids will be begging you to let them do it! And it works great too! Just check out the clip below to see it in action. ![]() ![]() ![]() 文章摘自3ders.org 原文链接:http://www.3ders.org//articles/20150206-clear-your-driveway-with-this-super-cool-3d-printed-rc-snow-blower.html(还有YOUTUBE视频哦~) |
本帖最后由 swanglei 于 2013-12-8 10:59 编辑 转自:http://www.cnbeta.com/articles/263655.htm 纽约Proxy Design Studio最近设计了一款名为Mechaneu的球形3D打印齿轮套件。这个“球形”的套件是由多层齿轮层层相串而成的,齿轮间耦合极其精密,令人叹为观止。Proxy Design将此项目视作为“探索3D打印在艺术上应用之极限的首次尝试”,他们如是写道: Mechaneu一号是由一次成型的工艺制造出来的,其最大的特点就是内部互锁支撑网络十分复杂。只要转动套件中的一个齿轮,整个齿轮球都会开始转动。协同转动给人以视觉上的冲击和触觉上的奇特感受,令人着迷。Mechaneu是一项探索3D打印在艺术上应用之极限的项目,项目中所有的元素都将以尽可能少的组件带来最多的细节和信息。 下面的视频介绍了这个项目的更多细节,比如三维工程图、效果展示等等。也正如创作者所说,3D打印可以创造无限可能。真正局限着3D打印革命的只是人们想象的极限。 http://www.56.com/u68/v_MTAyMTIyODI1.html |
Watch this amazing live demonstration of the value of using 3D printed tools for injection molding in. It takes place at the Stratasys booth at EuroMold 2013 and is presented in German by Michael Anton, Senior Pre-Sales and Application Engineer, EMEA.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oViMzVU5jfg&list=TLGtYnsvo5pGwvkrCyYSQ2i6uWg1haJ9R7 3D打印机已经可以生产模具了~越来越碉堡了,3D打印机还可以干些什么呢?或者这么说:3D打印机什么不可以干么?PS:生孩子。。。啊哈哈 |
全球首款3D打印金属手枪问世 成功打50发子弹 视频链接在此<<--据美国CNET网11月8日报道,美国一家公司制造了全球首款3D金属手枪,而且已经成功发射了50发子弹,这个成绩显然比此前的3D塑料版手枪棒很多! 报道称,手枪的设计出自经典的1911式手枪,制作中使用了现成的弹簧和弹匣。公司还使用了包括激光烧结和研磨金属等多种技术,用33种不锈钢和合金制成。 据悉,制作这支手枪的3D打印机价格在50万美元以上。该公司副总裁称,这是全球首支利用3D技术打印出来的金属枪。 近来,随着3D打印技术的日趋成熟,已经有多种材料的3D打印手枪问世。 <<-- 转载自新浪军事,由Falcon提供。。。 |
原文地址:http://www.cnbeta.com/articles/264578.htm3D打印机是2013年最最吸引人眼球的装备。原本用于实验性生产和单件工业生产制造,但最近流行起了个人3D打印机设备。你是否相信这是用3D打印机做出来的保时捷卡曼跑车呢?现在,想拥有该款车的3D数据你可以前往卡曼官网下载。即便你不懂3D打印机,但你也可以使用卡曼3D数据。 你还可以为它自由上色。 Cayman 3D Print |
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