2013-12-5 11:00:47 [显示全部楼层]
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德州仪器 (TI) 宣布 Sitara™ AM335x ARM® Cortex™-A8 处理器已被选用于最新 Arduino 电路板 ArduinoTRE.下面arduino。cc官网消息:http://arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardTre

Arduino TRE, the first Arduino board manufactured in the U.S.

Thanks to the 1-GHz Sitara AM335x processor, Arduino developers get up to 100 times more performance with the Sitara-processor-based TRE than they do on the Arduino Leonardo or Uno. This performance opens the doors to more advanced Linux-powered applications. The Sitara-processor-based Linux Arduino can run high-performance desktop applications, processing-intensive algorithms or high-speed communications.

The Arduino TRE is two Arduinos in one: the Sitara-processor-based Linux Arduino plus a full AVR-based Arduino, while leveraging the simplicity of the Arduino software experience. The integration of the AVR Arduino enables the Arduino TRE to use the existing shield ecosystem so that innovators can expand the Arduino TRE to develop a wide range of high-performance applications such as 3D printers, gateways for building automation and lighting automation, telemetry hubs that collect data from nearby sensors wirelessly, and other connected applications that require host control plus real-time operations.

In addition, the Arduino TRE is partially the result of a close collaboration between Arduino and the BeagleBoard.org foundation. These open hardware pioneers share a passion for expanding open source development and making technology accessible for artists, designers and hobbyists. The TRE design builds upon the experience of both Arduino and BeagleBoard.org, combining the benefits of both community based boards.

The Arduino TRE is expected to be available in spring 2014.

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