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2015春季上海纽约大学交互媒介课成果展预告 |
有着一堆好玩、有趣又稀奇古怪创意作品的上海纽约大学交互媒介课程展又来咯! 发布一下活动预告,有兴趣的小伙伴可以偷偷去围观一下哦~ 过往两届的报道在这边: IMA Spring 2015 End-of-Semester Show Date: Friday, May 15th, 2015 Time: 5:30 - 8:00 pm Where: IMA Lab and other 8th floor spaces What: An exhibition of experimental works by the students of IMA’s Interaction Lab, Communications Lab, Design Expo, Rapid Prototyping, Talking Fabrics, and Shanghai Streetfood & Urban Farming courses + Autodesk / IMA Smart Home Design Challenge. Interactive Media Arts (IMA) Program New York University Shanghai 1555 Century Avenue Road Shanghai, China 200122 上海纽约大学 上海市浦东新区世纪大道1555号 邮编: 200122 |
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