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[教程] Edison上程序开发——Python API 一览 |
本帖最后由 孙毅 于 2015-10-31 00:35 编辑 前面我们学了如何使用Python来编程,也做了几个例子了。这次教程,我们一块看下Edison Python编程中所有的API。 不需要背过,至少我们也得混个脸熟啊,这样在需要的时候,我们得知道去哪里找他们啊。 下面基本上就是Edison提供给我们所有的Python API了。恕我懒惰,没有翻译成汉语啊,不过这样可以培养大家看英文文档的能力啊。嘻嘻嘻。 有任何问题,直接回复,跟大家一块看一下啊。 总的来说,一共7类API,就涵盖了几乎所有的功能了: Aio I2c Gpio Pwm Spi Uart Common 来下面我们一个类一个类的帮大家列出来,以下部分可粗略过一下,用到的时候,再来查询好了:p Aio class mraa.Aio(pin) API to Analog IO. This file defines the aio interface for libmraa getBit() → int Gets the bit value mraa is shifting the analog read to. bit value mraa is set return from the read function read() → int Read a value from the AIO pin. By default mraa will shift the raw value up or down to a 10 bit value. The current input voltage. By default, a 10bit value readFloat() → float Read a value from the AIO pin and return it as a normalized float. The current input voltage as a normalized float (0.0f-1.0f) setBit(int bits) → mraa::Result Set the bit value which mraa will shift the raw reading from the ADC to. I.e. 10bits bits: the bits the return from read should be i.e 10 I2c class mraa.I2c(bus, raw=False) API to Inter-Integrated Circuit. An I2c object represents an i2c master and can talk multiple i2c slaves by selecting the correct addressIt is considered best practice to make sure the address is correct before doing any calls on i2c, in case another application or even thread changed the addres on that bus. Multiple instances of the same bus can exist. address( uint8_t address) → mraa::Result Set the slave to talk to, typically called before every read/write operation address: Communicate to the i2c slave on this address frequency( mraa::I2cMode mode) → mraa::Result Sets the i2c Frequency for communication. Your board may not support the set frequency. Anyone can change this at any time and this will affect every slave on the bus mode: Frequency to set the bus to read( uint8_t * data) → int Read length bytes from the bus into *data pointer data: Data to read into length: Size of read in bytes to make length of read, should match length readByte() → uint8_t Read exactly one byte from the bus char read from the bus readBytesReg( uint8_t reg, uint8_t * data) → int Read length bytes from the bus into *data pointer starting from an i2c register reg: Register to read from data: pointer to the byte array to read data in to length: max number of bytes to read length passed to the function or -1 readReg( uint8_t reg) → uint8_t Read byte from an i2c register reg: Register to read from char read from register readWordReg( uint8_t reg) → uint16_t Read word from an i2c register reg: Register to read from char read from register write( uint8_t const * data) → mraa::Result Write length bytes to the bus, the first byte in the array is the command/register to write data: Buffer to send on the bus, first byte is i2c command length: Size of buffer to send writeByte( uint8_t data) → mraa::Result Write a byte on the bus data: The byte to send on the bus writeReg( uint8_t reg, uint8_t data) → mraa::Result Write a byte to an i2c register reg: Register to write to data: Value to write to register writeWordReg( uint8_t reg, uint16_t data) → mraa::Result Write a word to an i2c register reg: Register to write to data: Value to write to register Gpio class mraa.Gpio(pin, owner=True, raw=False) API to General Purpose IO. This file defines the gpio interface for libmraa dir( mraa:: Dir dir) → mraa::Result Change Gpio direction dir: The direction to change the gpio into edge( mraa::Edge mode) → mraa::Result Set the edge mode for ISR mode: The edge mode to set getPin( bool raw=False) → int getPin() -> int Get pin number of Gpio. If raw param is True will return the number as used within sysfs. Invalid will return -1. raw: (optional) get the raw gpio number. isr( mraa::Edge mode, PyObject * pyfunc, PyObject * args) → mraa::Result Sets a callback to be called when pin value changes mode: The edge mode to set fptr: Function pointer to function to be called when interupt is triggered args: Arguments passed to the interrupt handler (fptr) isrExit() → mraa::Result Exits callback - this call will not kill the isr thread immediatly but only when it is out of it’s critical section mode( mraa::Mode mode) → mraa::Result Change Gpio mode mode: The mode to change the gpio into read() → int Read value from Gpio useMmap( bool enable) → mraa::Result Enable use of mmap i/o if available. enable: true to use mmap write( int value) → mraa::Result Write value to Gpio value: Value to write to Gpio Pwm class mraa.Pwm(pin, owner=True, chipid=-1) API to Pulse Width Modulation. This file defines the PWM interface for libmraa config_ms( int period, float duty) → mraa::Result Set the period and duty of a PWM object. period: represented in ms. duty: represnted in ms as float. config_percent( int period, float duty) → mraa::Result Set the period and duty (percent) of a PWM object. period: as represented in ms. duty: percentage i.e. 50% = 0.5f enable( bool enable) → mraa::Result Set the enable status of the PWM pin. None zero will assume on with output being driven and 0 will disable the output enable: enable status of pin max_period() → int Get the maximum pwm period in us max pwm in us min_period() → int Get the minimum pwm period in us min pwm in us period( float period) → mraa::Result Set the PWM period as seconds represented in a float period: Period represented as a float in seconds period_ms( int ms) → mraa::Result Set period, milliseconds ms: milliseconds for period period_us( int us) → mraa::Result Set period, microseconds us: microseconds as period pulsewidth( float seconds) → mraa::Result Set pulsewidth, As represnted by seconds in a (float) seconds: The duration of a pulse pulsewidth_ms( int ms) → mraa::Result Set pulsewidth, milliseconds pulsewidth_us( int us) → mraa::Result The pulsewidth, microseconds us: microseconds for pulsewidth read() → float Read the ouput duty-cycle percentage, as a float A floating-point value representing percentage of output. The value should lie between 0.0f (representing on 0%) and 1.0f Values above or below this range will be set at either 0.0f or 1.0f write( float percentage) → mraa::Result Set the output duty-cycle percentage, as a float percentage: A floating-point value representing percentage of output. The value should lie between 0.0f (representing on 0%) and 1.0f Values above or below this range will be set at either 0.0f or 1.0f Spi class mraa.Spi(bus) API to Serial Peripheral Interface. This file defines the SPI interface for libmraa bitPerWord( unsigned int bits) → mraa::Result Set bits per mode on transaction, default is 8 bits: bits per word frequency( int hz) → mraa::Result Set the SPI device operating clock frequency hz: the frequency to set in hz lsbmode( bool lsb) → mraa::Result Change the SPI lsb mode lsb: bool lsb: Use least significant bit transmission - 0 for msbi mode( mraa::Spi_Mode mode) → mraa::Result Set the SPI device mode. see spidev0-3 mode: the mode. See Linux spidev doc write( uint8_t * txBuf) → uint8_t * Write buffer of bytes to SPI device The pointer return has to be free’d by the caller. It will return a NULL pointer in cases of error txBuf: buffer to send length: size of buffer to send uint8_t* data received on the miso line. Same length as passed in writeByte( uint8_t data) → int Write single byte to the SPI device data: the byte to send data received on the miso line or -1 in case of error write_word( uint16_t data) → uint16_t Write buffer of bytes to SPI device The pointer return has to be free’d by the caller. It will return a NULL pointer in cases of error txBuf: buffer to send length: size of buffer (in bytes) to send uint8_t* data received on the miso line. Same length as passed in Uart class mraa.Uart(*args) API to UART (enabling only) This file defines the UART interface for libmraa dataAvailable( unsigned int millis=0) → bool dataAvailable() -> bool Check to see if data is available on the device for reading millis: number of milliseconds to wait, or 0 to return immediately true if there is data available to read, false otherwise flush() → mraa::Result Flush the outbound data. Blocks until complete. getDevicePath() → std::string Get string with tty device path within Linux For example. Could point to “/dev/ttyS0” char pointer of device path read( char * data) → int Read bytes from the device into char* buffer data: buffer pointer length: maximum size of buffer numbers of bytes read readStr( int length) → std::string Read bytes from the device into a String object length: to read string of data setBaudRate( unsigned int baud) → mraa::Result Set the baudrate. Takes an int and will attempt to decide what baudrate is to be used on the UART hardware. baud: unsigned int of baudrate i.e. 9600 setFlowcontrol( bool xonxoff, bool rtscts) → mraa::Result Set the flowcontrol xonxoff: XON/XOFF Software flow control. rtscts: RTS/CTS out of band hardware flow control setMode( int bytesize, mraa::UartParity parity, int stopbits) → mraa::Result Set the transfer mode For example setting the mode to 8N1 would be “dev.setMode(8,UART_PARITY_NONE , 1)” bytesize: data bits parity: Parity bit setting stopbits: stop bits setTimeout( int read, int write, int interchar) → mraa::Result Set the timeout for read and write operations <= 0 will disable that timeout read: read timeout write: write timeout interchar: inbetween char timeout write( char const * data) → int Write bytes in String object to a device data: buffer pointer length: maximum size of buffer the number of bytes written, or -1 if an error occurred writeStr( std::string data) → int Write bytes in String object to a device the number of bytes written, or -1 if an error occurred Common Python interface to libmraa mraa.adcRawBits() → unsigned int mraa.adcSupportedBits() → unsigned int mraa.getI2cBusCount() → int mraa.getI2cBusId(unsigned int i2c_bus) → int mraa.getPinCount() → unsigned int mraa.getPinName(int pin) → std::string mraa.getPlatformName() → std::string mraa.getPlatformType() → mraa:: Platform mraa.getSubPlatformId(int pin_or_bus_index) → int mraa.getSubPlatformIndex(int pin_or_bus_id) → int mraa.getVersion() → std::string mraa.hasSubPlatform() → bool mraa.init() → mraa::Result mraa.isSubPlatformId(int pin_or_bus_id) → bool mraa.pinModeTest(int pin, mraa:: Pinmodes mode) → bool mraa.printError(mraa::Result result) mraa.setLogLevel(int level) → mraa::Result mraa.setPriority(unsigned int const priority) → int |
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