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【9月心率传感器试用】Heartbeat Viewer |
来给Luna大大交作业…… 上小视频 = = 使用工具: Processing Arduino 心率传感器 1. 心率传感器连接 我参考了以下wiki的教程1: https://wiki.dfrobot.com.cn/index.php?title=(SKU:SEN0203)%E5%BF%83%E7%8E%87%E4%BC%A0%E6%84%9F%E5%99%A8heart_rate_sensor 我用的Digital Mode, 心率传感器拨向D。 Arduino代码: [mw_shl_code=c,true]#define heartratePin A1 #include "DFRobot_Heartrate.h" DFRobot_Heartrate heartrate(DIGITAL_MODE); ///< ANALOG_MODE or DIGITAL_MODE void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { uint8_t rateValue; heartrate.getValue(heartratePin); ///< A1 foot sampled values rateValue = heartrate.getRate(); ///< Get heart rate value if(rateValue) { Serial.println(rateValue); } delay(20); } [/mw_shl_code] 2. 连接Processing并写Processing代码 如下: [mw_shl_code=java,true] import processing.serial.*; //import the Serial library int end = 10; // the number 10 is ASCII for linefeed (end of serial.println), later we will look for this to break up individual messages String serial; // declare a new string called 'serial' . A string is a sequence of characters (data type know as "char") Serial port; // The serial port, this is a new instance of the Serial class (an Object) int ellipseSize = 0; int bpm = 0; int time; float a = 0; float ref = 1000.0 * TWO_PI/(60000); float c; boolean flag = false; import ddf.minim.*; Minim minim; AudioSample hb; void setup() { // Serial print(Serial.list()[1]); port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[1], 115200); // initializing the object by assigning a port and baud rate (must match that of Arduino) port.clear(); // function from serial library that throws out the first reading, in case we started reading in the middle of a string from Arduino serial = port.readStringUntil(end); // function that reads the string from serial port until a println and then assigns string to our string variable (called 'serial') serial = null; // initially, the string will be null (empty) // Size size(640, 640, P2D); //fullScreen(); frameRate(30); smooth(); noStroke(); ellipseMode(CENTER); ellipseSize = int(height/1.5); // time time = millis(); // sound heartbeat minim = new Minim(this); hb = minim.loadSample("heartbeat.wav", 512); } void draw() { //Heartrate data while (port.available() > 0) { //as long as there is data coming from serial port, read it and store it serial = port.readStringUntil(end); } if (serial != null) { //if the string is not empty, print the following //println(serial); serial = trim(serial); bpm = int(serial); println("bpm = ", bpm); } // Visual //background(255); float r = random(200, 255); float g = random(55); float b = random(55); background(color(r, g, b)); a += bpm * ref / frameRate; c += 0.05; pushMatrix(); translate(width/2,height/2); rotate(a > 0 ? c : 0); for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { noStroke(); fill(#FF6750); beginShape(); vertex(0,0); vertex(cos(radians(i*360/10))*400,sin(radians(i*360/10))*400); vertex(cos(radians((0.5+i)*360/10))*400,sin(radians((0.5+i)*360/10))*400); endShape(); } popMatrix(); // heart motion fill(0,0,0); pushMatrix(); translate(width/2, height/2); scale( 2 + 0.5 *sq( sin(a) > 0 ? sin(a): 0 ) ); translate(-width/2 + 165, -height/2 + 150); // heart shape beginShape(); vertex(150, 150); bezierVertex( 150, 120, 100, 120, 100, 150); bezierVertex( 100, 180, 150, 185, 150, 210 ); bezierVertex( 150, 185, 200, 180, 200, 150 ); bezierVertex( 200, 120, 150, 120, 150, 150 ); endShape(); popMatrix(); if(sin(a) > 0 && flag == false) { hb.trigger(); flag = true; println("trigger 1"); } else if(sin(a) < 0 && flag == true) { flag = false; } textSize(16); fill(0); text(bpm, width - 30, height - 20); }[/mw_shl_code] = = 楼主考虑等段数刷上去了之后用蓝牙连接安卓手机做可视化和可听化。 |
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