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[上海壹周活动] 上海周末创客活动汇总(8/14-8/16) |
本帖最后由 Berlina_Li 于 2014-8-14 15:54 编辑 Arduino 入门者工作坊 The Arduino workshop is great for those looking to get started with micro-controller programming and need a kickstart in the right direction. This is one of the most Popular workshops at xinchejian, Designed to not overwhelm people but provide the right balance of theoretical and hands on experience. Please do not sign up if you are not going to show up as you’ll be taking a seat from someone that wants to do it. This workshop will run in English. You will need to have your own Arduino kit, we have kits in XinCheJian for sale at RMB 210.00 – order online from DFRobot or Buy from us and help support the space. Content of the workshop: * Introduction to Arduino: board, IDE * Writing your first program * Connecting to sensors and hardware * Followed by a discussion and Q&A Notes: Please bring a laptop with the Arduino environment on it. 地点:新车间 (愚园东路28号3号楼一楼) 费用:150(新车间会员),200(非会员) 时间:8月16日 13:00-15:00 ZBrush工作坊 ZBrush是一款新型的CG软件,它的优秀的Z球建模方式,不但可以做出优秀的静帧,而且参与了很多电影特效、游戏的制作过程(大家熟悉的指环王III,半条命II都有ZB的参与)。它可以和其他的软件如max、maya、xsi合作做出惊人的细节效果。 在建模方面,ZBrush进行了相当大的优化编码改革,并与一套独特的建模流程相结合,可以让你制作出令人惊讶的复杂模型。无论是从中级到高分辨率的模型,你的任何雕刻动作都可以瞬间得到回应。还可以实时的进行不断的渲染和着色。 对于绘制操作,ZBrush增加了新的范围尺度,可以让你给基于像素的作品增加深度,材质,光照和复杂精密的渲染特效,真正实现了2D与3D的结合,模糊了多边形与像素之间的界限。 内容:艾玛 从maya到zbrush(建模) 难度:微中级 地点:新车间 (愚园东路28号3号楼一楼) 费用:100 时间:8月17日 15:00-17:00 |
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