MAX98357 I2S功放模块【参考1】是一款 I2S 接口的数字式D类功放。这个模块使用3.3V~5V宽电压供电,可以切换左右声道。
MAX98357 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 从 ESP32S3 发送的 I2S 左右声道选择信号 | | | | | | |
- #include <I2S.h>
- const int frequency = 440; // frequency of square wave in Hz
- const int amplitude = 32000; // amplitude of square wave
- const int sampleRate = 8000; // sample rate in Hz
- const int bps = 16;
- const int halfWavelength = (sampleRate / frequency); // half wavelength of square wave
- short sample = amplitude; // current sample value
- int count = 0;
- i2s_mode_t mode = I2S_PHILIPS_MODE; // I2S decoder is needed
- // i2s_mode_t mode = ADC_DAC_MODE; // Audio amplifier is needed
- // Mono channel input
- // This is ESP specific implementation -
- // samples will be automatically copied to both channels inside I2S driver
- // If you want to have true mono output use I2S_PHILIPS_MODE and interlay
- // second channel with 0-value samples.
- // The order of channels is RIGH followed by LEFT
- //i2s_mode_t mode = I2S_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED_MODE; // I2S decoder is needed
- void setup() {
- Serial.begin(115200);
- Serial.println("I2S simple tone");
- delay(5000);
- //setAllPins(int sckPin, int fsPin, int sdPin, int outSdPin, int inSdPin);
- I2S.setAllPins(45 , 35 , 48 , 48 , -1);
- // start I2S at the sample rate with 16-bits per sample
- if (!I2S.begin(mode, sampleRate, bps)) {
- Serial.println("Failed to initialize I2S!");
- while (1); // do nothing
- }
- }
- void loop() {
- while (Serial.available()) {
- char c =;
- if (c == '3') {
- ESP.restart();
- }
- // 主机端发送 l, 回复 z 用于识别串口
- if (c == '1') {
- Serial.print('z');
- }
- // 主机端发送 l, 回复 z 用于识别串口
- if (c == '2') {
- Serial.printf("getSckPin:%d getFsPin:%d getDataPin:%d",
- I2S.getSckPin(),
- I2S.getFsPin(),
- I2S.getDataPin());
- }
- }
- if (count % halfWavelength == 0 ) {
- // invert the sample every half wavelength count multiple to generate square wave
- sample = -1 * sample;
- }
- if(mode == I2S_PHILIPS_MODE || mode == ADC_DAC_MODE){ // write the same sample twice, once for Right and once for Left channel
- I2S.write(sample); // Right channel
- I2S.write(sample); // Left channel
- }else if(mode == I2S_RIGHT_JUSTIFIED_MODE || mode == I2S_LEFT_JUSTIFIED_MODE){
- // write the same only once - it will be automatically copied to the other channel
- I2S.write(sample);
- }
- // increment the counter for the next sample
- count++;
- }
代码实现的是生成一个 440Hz的音频,然后通过喇叭播放出来。