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[MP动手做] MicroPython动手做(27)——物联网之微信小程序 |
1、微信小程序 小程序的一种,英文名Wechat Mini Program,是一种不需要下载安装即可使用的应用,它实现了应用“触手可及”的梦想,用户扫一扫或搜一下即可打开应用。全面开放申请后,主体类型为企业、政府、媒体、其他组织或个人的开发者,均可申请注册小程序。微信小程序、微信订阅号、微信服务号、微信企业号是并行的体系。 微信小程序是一种不用下载就能使用的应用,也是一项创新,经过将近两年的发展,已经构造了新的微信小程序开发环境和开发者生态。微信小程序也是这么多年来中国IT行业里一个真正能够影响到普通程序员的创新成果,已经有超过150万的开发者加入到了微信小程序的开发,与我们一起共同发力推动微信小程序的发展,微信小程序应用数量超过了一百万,覆盖200多个细分的行业,日活用户达到两个亿,微信小程序还在许多城市实现了支持地铁、公交服务。微信小程序发展带来更多的就业机会,2017年小程序带动就业104万人,社会效应不断提升。 2017年1月9日,张小龙在2017微信公开课Pro上发布的微信小程序正式上线。2018年2月,微信官方发布公告称:已对涉及假货高仿、SQ低俗和违规“现金贷”等超过2000个微信小程序,进行永久封禁处理。2019年8月9日,微信向开发者发布新能力公测与更新公告,微信PC版新版本中,支持打开聊天中分享的微信小程序。 ![]() |
#MicroPython动手做(27)——物联网之微信小程序 #通过小程序控制小车进、退、左和右 [mw_shl_code=python,false]#MicroPython动手做(27)——物联网之微信小程序 #通过小程序控制小车进、退、左和右 from mpython import * import network my_wifi = wifi() my_wifi.connectWiFi('zh', 'zy1567') import time import music from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient from machine import Timer import machine import ubinascii def OneNET_recv(_msg):pass _OneNET_msg_list = [] def OneNET_callback(_topic, _msg): global _OneNET_msg_list try: _msg = _msg.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except: print(_msg);return OneNET_recv(_msg) if _msg in _OneNET_msg_list: eval('OneNET_recv_' + bytes.decode(ubinascii.hexlify(_msg)) + '()') tim14 = Timer(14) _iot_count = 0 def timer14_tick(_): global _iot, _iot_count _iot_count = _iot_count + 1 if _iot_count == 1000: _iot.ping(); _iot_count = 0 try: _iot.check_msg() except: machine.reset() _iot = None def OneNET_setup(): global _iot _iot = MQTTClient('595250725', '', 6002, '221628', 'hiN7Cwz4Gd7d3ReMnNgtaEKBvv4=', keepalive=300) _iot.set_callback(OneNET_callback) if 1 == _iot.connect(): print('Successfully connected to MQTT server.') tim14.init(period=200, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=timer14_tick) import ujson import parrot def forward(): global _name, _value parrot.set_speed(parrot.MOTOR_1, 80) parrot.set_speed(parrot.MOTOR_2, 80) oled.fill(0) oled.blit(image_picture.load('face/Information/Forward.pbm', 0), 32, 0) oled.show() def retreat(): global _name, _value parrot.set_speed(parrot.MOTOR_1, -80) parrot.set_speed(parrot.MOTOR_2, -80) oled.fill(0) oled.blit(image_picture.load('face/Information/Backward.pbm', 0), 32, 0) oled.show() def right(): global _name, _value parrot.set_speed(parrot.MOTOR_1, 80) parrot.set_speed(parrot.MOTOR_2, -0) oled.fill(0) oled.blit(image_picture.load('face/Information/Right.pbm', 0), 32, 0) oled.show() def Left(): global _name, _value parrot.set_speed(parrot.MOTOR_1, -0) parrot.set_speed(parrot.MOTOR_2, 80) oled.fill(0) oled.blit(image_picture.load('face/Information/Left.pbm', 0), 32, 0) oled.show() def OneNET_recv(_msg): try: _msgObj = ujson.loads(_msg) _name = _msgObj.get('name') _value = _msgObj.get('value') except: return if _name == '进': print(_value) rgb.fill((int(0), int(102), int(0))) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) forward() if _name == '退': print(_value) rgb.fill((int(51), int(51), int(255))) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) retreat() if _name == '左': print(_value) rgb[0] = (int(0), int(102), int(0)) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) Left() if _name == '右': print(_value) rgb[2] = (int(0), int(102), int(0)) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) right() time.sleep(3) parrot.set_speed(parrot.MOTOR_1, 0) parrot.set_speed(parrot.MOTOR_2, 0) rgb.fill( (0, 0, 0) ) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) image_picture = Image() rgb[1] = (int(102), int(0), int(0)) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) music.play('G5:1') OneNET_setup()[/mw_shl_code] |
[mw_shl_code=python,false]#MicroPython动手做(27)——物联网之微信小程序 #带输入框的RGB三色调光板 from mpython import * import network import time import music from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient from machine import Timer import machine import ubinascii import ujson my_wifi = wifi() my_wifi.connectWiFi("zh", "zy1567") def OneNET_recv(_msg):pass _OneNET_msg_list = [] def OneNET_callback(_topic, _msg): global _OneNET_msg_list try: _msg = _msg.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except: print(_msg);return OneNET_recv(_msg) if _msg in _OneNET_msg_list: eval('OneNET_recv_' + bytes.decode(ubinascii.hexlify(_msg)) + '()') tim14 = Timer(14) _iot_count = 0 def timer14_tick(_): global _iot, _iot_count _iot_count = _iot_count + 1 if _iot_count == 1000: _iot.ping(); _iot_count = 0 try: _iot.check_msg() except: machine.reset() _iot = None def OneNET_setup(): global _iot _iot = MQTTClient("595250725", "", 6002, "221628", "hiN7Cwz4Gd7d3ReMnNgtaEKBvv4=", keepalive=300) _iot.set_callback(OneNET_callback) if 1 == _iot.connect(): print('Successfully connected to MQTT server.') tim14.init(period=200, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=timer14_tick) def OneNET_recv(_msg): try: _msgObj = ujson.loads(_msg) _name = _msgObj.get('name') _value = _msgObj.get('value') except: return if _name == "输入": print(_value) music.play('B3:1') rgb[1] = (int(51), int(102), int(255)) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) oled.fill(0) oled.DispChar(_value, 0, 23, 1) oled.show() if _name == "R": print(_value) rgb.fill( (int(_value), int((_value + 20)), int((_value - 20))) ) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) if _name == "G": print(_value) rgb.fill( (int((_value + 20)), int(_value), int((_value - 20))) ) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) if _name == "B": print(_value) rgb.fill( (int((_value - 20)), int((_value + 20)), int(_value)) ) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) rgb[1] = (int(0), int(102), int(0)) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) music.play('G4:1') OneNET_setup()[/mw_shl_code] |
6、小程序控制RGB灯升级版 [mw_shl_code=python,false]#MicroPython动手做(27)——物联网之微信小程序 #小程序控制RGB灯升级版 from mpython import * import network import time from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient from machine import Timer import machine import ubinascii import ujson import music my_wifi = wifi() my_wifi.connectWiFi("zh", "zy1567") def OneNET_recv(_msg):pass _OneNET_msg_list = [] def OneNET_callback(_topic, _msg): global _OneNET_msg_list try: _msg = _msg.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except: print(_msg);return OneNET_recv(_msg) if _msg in _OneNET_msg_list: eval('OneNET_recv_' + bytes.decode(ubinascii.hexlify(_msg)) + '()') tim14 = Timer(14) _iot_count = 0 def timer14_tick(_): global _iot, _iot_count _iot_count = _iot_count + 1 if _iot_count == 1000: _iot.ping(); _iot_count = 0 try: _iot.check_msg() except: machine.reset() _iot = None def OneNET_setup(): global _iot _iot = MQTTClient("595250725", "", 6002, "221628", "hiN7Cwz4Gd7d3ReMnNgtaEKBvv4=", keepalive=300) _iot.set_callback(OneNET_callback) if 1 == _iot.connect(): print('Successfully connected to MQTT server.') tim14.init(period=200, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=timer14_tick) image_picture = Image() def OneNET_recv(_msg): try: _msgObj = ujson.loads(_msg) _name = _msgObj.get('name') _value = _msgObj.get('value') except: return if _name == "开灯": print(_value) music.play('B5:1') rgb.fill((int(255), int(0), int(0))) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) oled.fill(0) oled.blit(image_picture.load('face/Objects/Light on.pbm', 0), 32, 0) oled.show() if _name == "关灯": print(_value) music.play('E5:1') rgb.fill( (0, 0, 0) ) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) oled.fill(0) oled.blit(image_picture.load('face/Objects/Light off.pbm', 0), 32, 0) oled.show() rgb[1] = (int(0), int(102), int(0)) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) OneNET_setup()[/mw_shl_code] |
4、登录小程序“掌控板物联网” #MicroPython动手做(27)——物联网之微信小程序 #登录小程序“掌控板物联网” [mw_shl_code=python,false]#MicroPython动手做(27)——物联网之微信小程序 #登录小程序“掌控板物联网” from mpython import * import network from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient from machine import Timer import machine import ubinascii my_wifi = wifi() my_wifi.connectWiFi("zh", "zy1567") def OneNET_recv(_msg):pass _OneNET_msg_list = [] def OneNET_callback(_topic, _msg): global _OneNET_msg_list try: _msg = _msg.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except: print(_msg);return OneNET_recv(_msg) if _msg in _OneNET_msg_list: eval('OneNET_recv_' + bytes.decode(ubinascii.hexlify(_msg)) + '()') tim14 = Timer(14) _iot_count = 0 def timer14_tick(_): global _iot, _iot_count _iot_count = _iot_count + 1 if _iot_count == 1000: _iot.ping(); _iot_count = 0 try: _iot.check_msg() except: machine.reset() _iot = None def OneNET_setup(): global _iot _iot = MQTTClient("595250725", "", 6002, "221628", "hiN7Cwz4Gd7d3ReMnNgtaEKBvv4=", keepalive=300) _iot.set_callback(OneNET_callback) if 1 == _iot.connect(): print('Successfully connected to MQTT server.') tim14.init(period=200, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=timer14_tick) OneNET_setup()[/mw_shl_code] |
#MicroPython动手做(27)——物联网之微信小程序 #尝试通过小程序来控制板载RGB灯 [mw_shl_code=python,false]#MicroPython动手做(27)——物联网之微信小程序 #尝试通过小程序来控制板载RGB灯 from mpython import * import network import time from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient from machine import Timer import machine import ubinascii import ujson my_wifi = wifi() my_wifi.connectWiFi("zh", "zy1567") def OneNET_recv(_msg):pass _OneNET_msg_list = [] def OneNET_callback(_topic, _msg): global _OneNET_msg_list try: _msg = _msg.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') except: print(_msg);return OneNET_recv(_msg) if _msg in _OneNET_msg_list: eval('OneNET_recv_' + bytes.decode(ubinascii.hexlify(_msg)) + '()') tim14 = Timer(14) _iot_count = 0 def timer14_tick(_): global _iot, _iot_count _iot_count = _iot_count + 1 if _iot_count == 1000: _iot.ping(); _iot_count = 0 try: _iot.check_msg() except: machine.reset() _iot = None def OneNET_setup(): global _iot _iot = MQTTClient("595250725", "", 6002, "221628", "hiN7Cwz4Gd7d3ReMnNgtaEKBvv4=", keepalive=300) _iot.set_callback(OneNET_callback) if 1 == _iot.connect(): print('Successfully connected to MQTT server.') tim14.init(period=200, mode=Timer.PERIODIC, callback=timer14_tick) def OneNET_recv(_msg): try: _msgObj = ujson.loads(_msg) _name = _msgObj.get('name') _value = _msgObj.get('value') except: return if _name == "开灯": print(_value) rgb.fill((int(255), int(0), int(0))) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) if _name == "关灯": print(_value) rgb.fill( (0, 0, 0) ) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) rgb[1] = (int(0), int(102), int(0)) rgb.write() time.sleep_ms(1) OneNET_setup()[/mw_shl_code] |
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