本帖最后由 云天 于 2025-2-26 11:04 编辑
近期,网络上涌现出众多基于 ESP32-S3 设备的“小智 AI聊天机器人”复刻项目。然而,这些项目大多在组装完成后直接下载固件,用户无法对程序进行进一步修改。(也可以在Windows上搭建 ESP IDF 5.3开发环境编译小智)
最近,有人开源了一种使用 Python 实现“小智 AI”的方案,该方案可在 Windows 电脑和树莓派上运行。鉴于行空板 M10 搭载了 Python 编程环境,我将相关代码移植至该平台,并进行了适配优化,使其能够更好地运行。
【小智AI ESP32S3】
小智AI聊天机器人是一款基于人工智能技术的交互式语音助手,具备语音识别、自然语言处理、语音合成等功能,能够通过语音与用户进行交流,通常基于ESP32-S3开发板等硬件平台实现,支持Wi-Fi或4G联网,并配备麦克风、扬声器、显示屏等模块。 开源平台:https://xiaozhi.me/
【小智AI Python】
【小智AI 行空板】
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
- import json
- import time
- import requests
- import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
- import threading
- import pyaudio
- import opuslib # windwos平台需要将opus.dll 拷贝到C:\Windows\System32
- import socket
- from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
- from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
- from os import urandom
- import logging
- from pynput import keyboard as pynput_keyboard
- from unihiker import GUI
- import webrtcvad
- from pinpong.board import Pin
- from pinpong.board import Board
- from pinpong.board import NeoPixel
- # 初始化行空板硬件接口
- Board().begin()
- gui=GUI()
- pin1 = Pin(Pin.D23)
- np1 = NeoPixel(pin1,24)
- np1.brightness(128)
- np1.clear()
- gui.clear()
- fontSize=20
- max_lines = 16
- max_chars=8
- # 图形界面元素
- status_label = gui.draw_text(x=80, y=10, text='初始化中...', color='red')
- log_text = gui.draw_text(x=10, y=100, text='', font_size=fontSize,color='blue')
- emotion = gui.draw_text(x=110, y=50, text='', font_size=fontSize,color='green')
- OTA_VERSION_URL = 'https://api.tenclass.net/xiaozhi/ota/'
- MAC_ADDR = '7a:da:6b:5c:76:50'
- # {"mqtt":{"endpoint":"post-cn-apg3xckag01.mqtt.aliyuncs.com","client_id":"GID_test@@@cc_ba_97_20_b4_bc",
- # "username":"Signature|LTAI5tF8J3CrdWmRiuTjxHbF|post-cn-apg3xckag01","password":"0mrkMFELXKyelhuYy2FpGDeCigU=",
- # "publish_topic":"device-server","subscribe_topic":"devices"},"firmware":{"version":"0.9.9","url":""}}
- mqtt_info = {}
- aes_opus_info = {"type": "hello", "version": 3, "transport": "udp",
- "udp": {"server": "", "port": 8884, "encryption": "aes-128-ctr",
- "key": "263094c3aa28cb42f3965a1020cb21a7", "nonce": "01000000ccba9720b4bc268100000000"},
- "audio_params": {"format": "opus", "sample_rate": 24000, "channels": 1, "frame_duration": 60},
- "session_id": "b23ebfe9"}
- iot_msg = {"session_id": "635aa42d", "type": "iot",
- "descriptors": [{"name": "Speaker", "description": "当前 AI 机器人的扬声器",
- "properties": {"volume": {"description": "当前音量值", "type": "number"}},
- "methods": {"SetVolume": {"description": "设置音量",
- "parameters": {
- "volume": {"description": "0到100之间的整数", "type": "number"}
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {"name": "Lamp", "description": "一个测试用的灯",
- "properties": {"power": {"description": "灯是否打开", "type": "boolean"}},
- "methods": {"TurnOn": {"description": "打开灯", "parameters": {}},
- "TurnOff": {"description": "关闭灯", "parameters": {}}
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- iot_status_msg = {"session_id": "635aa42d", "type": "iot", "states": [
- {"name": "Speaker", "state": {"volume": 50}}, {"name": "Lamp", "state": {"power": False}}]}
- goodbye_msg = {"session_id": "b23ebfe9", "type": "goodbye"}
- local_sequence = 0
- listen_state = None
- tts_state = None
- key_state = None
- audio = None
- udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- # udp_socket.setblocking(False)
- conn_state = False
- recv_audio_thread = threading.Thread()
- send_audio_thread = threading.Thread()
- mqttc = None
- def get_ota_version():
- global mqtt_info
- header = {
- 'Device-Id': MAC_ADDR,
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- }
- post_data = {"flash_size": 16777216, "minimum_free_heap_size": 8318916, "mac_address": f"{MAC_ADDR}",
- "chip_model_name": "esp32s3", "chip_info": {"model": 9, "cores": 2, "revision": 2, "features": 18},
- "application": {"name": "xiaozhi", "version": "0.9.9", "compile_time": "Jan 22 2025T20:40:23Z",
- "idf_version": "v5.3.2-dirty",
- "elf_sha256": "22986216df095587c42f8aeb06b239781c68ad8df80321e260556da7fcf5f522"},
- "partition_table": [{"label": "nvs", "type": 1, "subtype": 2, "address": 36864, "size": 16384},
- {"label": "otadata", "type": 1, "subtype": 0, "address": 53248, "size": 8192},
- {"label": "phy_init", "type": 1, "subtype": 1, "address": 61440, "size": 4096},
- {"label": "model", "type": 1, "subtype": 130, "address": 65536, "size": 983040},
- {"label": "storage", "type": 1, "subtype": 130, "address": 1048576,
- "size": 1048576},
- {"label": "factory", "type": 0, "subtype": 0, "address": 2097152, "size": 4194304},
- {"label": "ota_0", "type": 0, "subtype": 16, "address": 6291456, "size": 4194304},
- {"label": "ota_1", "type": 0, "subtype": 17, "address": 10485760,
- "size": 4194304}],
- "ota": {"label": "factory"},
- "board": {"type": "bread-compact-wifi", "ssid": "mzy", "rssi": -58, "channel": 6,
- "ip": "", "mac": "cc:ba:97:20:b4:bc"}}
- response = requests.post(OTA_VERSION_URL, headers=header, data=json.dumps(post_data))
- print('=========================')
- print(response.text)
- logging.info(f"get version: {response}")
- mqtt_info = response.json()['mqtt']
- def aes_ctr_encrypt(key, nonce, plaintext):
- cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CTR(nonce), backend=default_backend())
- encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
- return encryptor.update(plaintext) + encryptor.finalize()
- def aes_ctr_decrypt(key, nonce, ciphertext):
- cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CTR(nonce), backend=default_backend())
- decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
- plaintext = decryptor.update(ciphertext) + decryptor.finalize()
- return plaintext
- def send_audio():
- global aes_opus_info, udp_socket, local_sequence, listen_state, audio
- key = aes_opus_info['udp']['key']
- nonce = aes_opus_info['udp']['nonce']
- server_ip = aes_opus_info['udp']['server']
- server_port = aes_opus_info['udp']['port']
- # 初始化Opus编码器
- encoder = opuslib.Encoder(16000, 1, opuslib.APPLICATION_AUDIO)
- # 打开麦克风流, 帧大小,应该与Opus帧大小匹配
- mic = audio.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=1, rate=16000, input=True, frames_per_buffer=960)
- try:
- while True:
- if listen_state == "stop":
- continue
- time.sleep(0.1)
- # 读取音频数据
- data = mic.read(960)
- # 编码音频数据
- encoded_data = encoder.encode(data, 960)
- # 打印音频数据
- # print(f"Encoded data: {len(encoded_data)}")
- # nonce插入data.size local_sequence_
- local_sequence += 1
- new_nonce = nonce[0:4] + format(len(encoded_data), '04x') + nonce[8:24] + format(local_sequence, '08x')
- # 加密数据,添加nonce
- encrypt_encoded_data = aes_ctr_encrypt(bytes.fromhex(key), bytes.fromhex(new_nonce), bytes(encoded_data))
- data = bytes.fromhex(new_nonce) + encrypt_encoded_data
- sent = udp_socket.sendto(data, (server_ip, server_port))
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"send audio err: {e}")
- finally:
- print("send audio exit()")
- local_sequence = 0
- udp_socket = None
- # 关闭流和PyAudio
- mic.stop_stream()
- mic.close()
- def recv_audio():
- global aes_opus_info, udp_socket, audio
- key = aes_opus_info['udp']['key']
- nonce = aes_opus_info['udp']['nonce']
- sample_rate = aes_opus_info['audio_params']['sample_rate']
- frame_duration = aes_opus_info['audio_params']['frame_duration']
- frame_num = int(frame_duration / (1000 / sample_rate))
- print(f"recv audio: sample_rate -> {sample_rate}, frame_duration -> {frame_duration}, frame_num -> {frame_num}")
- # 初始化Opus编码器
- decoder = opuslib.Decoder(sample_rate, 1)
- spk = audio.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=1, rate=sample_rate, output=True, frames_per_buffer=frame_num)
- try:
- while True:
- data, server = udp_socket.recvfrom(4096)
- # print(f"Received from server {server}: {len(data)}")
- encrypt_encoded_data = data
- # 解密数据,分离nonce
- split_encrypt_encoded_data_nonce = encrypt_encoded_data[:16]
- # 十六进制格式打印nonce
- # print(f"split_encrypt_encoded_data_nonce: {split_encrypt_encoded_data_nonce.hex()}")
- split_encrypt_encoded_data = encrypt_encoded_data[16:]
- decrypt_data = aes_ctr_decrypt(bytes.fromhex(key),
- split_encrypt_encoded_data_nonce,
- split_encrypt_encoded_data)
- # 解码播放音频数据
- spk.write(decoder.decode(decrypt_data, frame_num))
- # except BlockingIOError:
- # # 无数据时短暂休眠以减少CPU占用
- # time.sleep(0.1)
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"recv audio err: {e}")
- finally:
- udp_socket = None
- spk.stop_stream()
- spk.close()
- def wrap_hanzi(text, first_line_width=5, other_line_width=16):
- """将字符串格式化为第一行指定宽度,后续行指定宽度"""
- lines = []
- # 处理第一行
- if len(text) > first_line_width:
- lines.append(text[:first_line_width])
- remaining_text = text[first_line_width:]
- else:
- lines.append(text)
- remaining_text = ""
- # 处理后续行
- for i in range(0, len(remaining_text), other_line_width):
- lines.append(remaining_text[i:i + other_line_width])
- return "\n".join(lines)
- def get_ascii_emotion(emotion):
- """根据情绪类型返回对应的 ASCII 表情符号"""
- if emotion == "happy":
- return ":)"
- elif emotion == "sad":
- return ":("
- elif emotion == "winking":
- return ";)"
- elif emotion == "surprised":
- return ":O"
- elif emotion == "angry":
- return ">:(("
- elif emotion == "laughing":
- return ":D"
- elif emotion == "cool":
- return "B-)"
- elif emotion == "crying":
- return ":'("
- elif emotion == "shy":
- return "^_^"
- elif emotion == "thinking":
- return ":|"
- elif emotion == "love":
- return "<3"
- elif emotion == "sleepy":
- return "-.-"
- elif emotion == "neutral":
- return ":|"
- elif emotion == "excited":
- return ":D"
- elif emotion == "confused":
- return ":S"
- else:
- return ":(" # 默认表情
- def on_message(client, userdata, message):
- global aes_opus_info, udp_socket, tts_state, recv_audio_thread, send_audio_thread,max_chars
- msg = json.loads(message.payload)
- print(f"recv msg: {msg}")
- if msg['type'] == 'hello':
- aes_opus_info = msg
- udp_socket.connect((msg['udp']['server'], msg['udp']['port']))
- # 检查recv_audio_thread线程是否启动
- if not recv_audio_thread.is_alive():
- # 启动一个线程,用于接收音频数据
- recv_audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=recv_audio)
- recv_audio_thread.start()
- else:
- print("recv_audio_thread is alive")
- # 检查send_audio_thread线程是否启动
- if not send_audio_thread.is_alive():
- # 启动一个线程,用于发送音频数据
- send_audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=send_audio)
- send_audio_thread.start()
- else:
- print("send_audio_thread is alive")
- if msg['type'] == 'llm':
- ascii_emotion = get_ascii_emotion(msg['emotion'])
- emotion.config(text=ascii_emotion)
- if msg['type'] == 'tts' and msg['state']=='start':
- status_label.config(text="讲话中……")
- if msg['type'] == 'tts' and msg['state']=='stop':
- status_label.config(text="就绪")
- if msg['type'] == 'tts' and msg['state']=='sentence_start':
- tts_state = msg['state']
- text=msg['text']
- text=wrap_hanzi(text, 5,max_chars)
- log_text.config(text="小智: " + text)
- if msg['text'] == '开灯':
- np1.range_color(0,23,0x0000FF)
- if msg['text'] == '关灯':
- np1.clear()
- if msg['type'] == 'stt':
- text=msg['text']
- text=wrap_hanzi(text, 5,max_chars)
- log_text.config(text="我: " + text)
- if msg['type'] == 'goodbye' and udp_socket and msg['session_id'] == aes_opus_info['session_id']:
- print(f"recv good bye msg")
- aes_opus_info['session_id'] = None
- def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rs, pr):
- subscribe_topic = mqtt_info['subscribe_topic'].split("/")[0] + '/p2p/GID_test@@@' + MAC_ADDR.replace(':', '_')
- print(f"subscribe topic: {subscribe_topic}")
- # 订阅主题
- client.subscribe(subscribe_topic)
- def push_mqtt_msg(message):
- global mqtt_info, mqttc
- mqttc.publish(mqtt_info['publish_topic'], json.dumps(message))
- def listen_start():
- global key_state, udp_socket, aes_opus_info, listen_state, conn_state
- if key_state == "press":
- return
- key_state = "press"
- # 判断是否需要发送hello消息
- if conn_state is False or aes_opus_info['session_id'] is None:
- conn_state = True
- # 发送hello消息,建立udp连接
- hello_msg = {"type": "hello", "version": 3, "transport": "udp",
- "audio_params": {"format": "opus", "sample_rate": 16000, "channels": 1, "frame_duration": 60}}
- push_mqtt_msg(hello_msg)
- print(f"send hello message: {hello_msg}")
- if tts_state == "start" or tts_state == "entence_start":
- # 在播放状态下发送abort消息
- push_mqtt_msg({"type": "abort"})
- print(f"send abort message")
- if aes_opus_info['session_id'] is not None:
- # 发送start listen消息
- msg = {"session_id": aes_opus_info['session_id'], "type": "listen", "state": "start", "mode": "manual"}
- print(f"send start listen message: {msg}")
- status_label.config(text="聆听中……")
- push_mqtt_msg(msg)
- def listen_stop():
- global aes_opus_info, key_state
- key_state = "release"
- # 发送stop listen消息
- if aes_opus_info['session_id'] is not None:
- msg = {"session_id": aes_opus_info['session_id'], "type": "listen", "state": "stop"}
- print(f"send stop listen message: {msg}")
- push_mqtt_msg(msg)
- def run():
- global mqtt_info, mqttc
- # 获取mqtt与版本信息
- get_ota_version()
- # 创建客户端实例
- mqttc = mqtt.Client(callback_api_version=mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION2, client_id=mqtt_info['client_id'])
- mqttc.username_pw_set(username=mqtt_info['username'], password=mqtt_info['password'])
- mqttc.tls_set(ca_certs=None, certfile=None, keyfile=None, cert_reqs=mqtt.ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
- tls_version=mqtt.ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS, ciphers=None)
- mqttc.on_connect = on_connect
- mqttc.on_message = on_message
- mqttc.connect(host=mqtt_info['endpoint'], port=8883)
- gui.on_a_click(listen_start)
- gui.on_b_click(listen_stop)
- mqttc.loop_forever()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- audio = pyaudio.PyAudio()
- run()
2.通过行空板引脚24外接按钮实现与“小智”对话 
- #增加了24引脚按键,使用舵机模拟双手
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
- import json
- import time
- import requests
- import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
- import threading
- import pyaudio
- import opuslib # windwos平台需要将opus.dll 拷贝到C:\Windows\System32
- import socket
- from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
- from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
- from os import urandom
- import logging
- from pynput import keyboard as pynput_keyboard
- from unihiker import GUI
- from pinpong.board import Pin
- from pinpong.board import Board
- from pinpong.board import Servo
- # 初始化行空板硬件接口
- Board().begin()
- gui=GUI()
- gui.clear()
- #舵机引脚及按键引脚设置
- pin2 = Pin(Pin.D21)
- pin3 = Pin(Pin.D22)
- servo1 = Servo(pin2)
- servo2 = Servo(pin3)
- p_p24_in=Pin(Pin.P24, Pin.IN)
- #显示内容设置
- fontSize=20
- max_lines = 16
- max_chars=8
- # 图形界面元素
- status_label = gui.draw_text(x=80, y=10, text='初始化中...', color='red')
- log_text = gui.draw_text(x=10, y=100, text='', font_size=fontSize,color='blue')
- emotion = gui.draw_text(x=110, y=50, text='', font_size=fontSize,color='green')
- OTA_VERSION_URL = 'https://api.tenclass.net/xiaozhi/ota/'
- MAC_ADDR = '7a:da:6b:5c:76:50'
- # {"mqtt":{"endpoint":"post-cn-apg3xckag01.mqtt.aliyuncs.com","client_id":"GID_test@@@cc_ba_97_20_b4_bc",
- # "username":"Signature|LTAI5tF8J3CrdWmRiuTjxHbF|post-cn-apg3xckag01","password":"0mrkMFELXKyelhuYy2FpGDeCigU=",
- # "publish_topic":"device-server","subscribe_topic":"devices"},"firmware":{"version":"0.9.9","url":""}}
- mqtt_info = {}
- aes_opus_info = {"type": "hello", "version": 3, "transport": "udp",
- "udp": {"server": "", "port": 8884, "encryption": "aes-128-ctr",
- "key": "263094c3aa28cb42f3965a1020cb21a7", "nonce": "01000000ccba9720b4bc268100000000"},
- "audio_params": {"format": "opus", "sample_rate": 24000, "channels": 1, "frame_duration": 60},
- "session_id": None}
- iot_msg = {"session_id": "635aa42d", "type": "iot",
- "descriptors": [{"name": "Speaker", "description": "当前 AI 机器人的扬声器",
- "properties": {"volume": {"description": "当前音量值", "type": "number"}},
- "methods": {"SetVolume": {"description": "设置音量",
- "parameters": {
- "volume": {"description": "0到100之间的整数", "type": "number"}
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {"name": "Lamp", "description": "一个测试用的灯",
- "properties": {"power": {"description": "灯是否打开", "type": "boolean"}},
- "methods": {"TurnOn": {"description": "打开灯", "parameters": {}},
- "TurnOff": {"description": "关闭灯", "parameters": {}}
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- iot_status_msg = {"session_id": "635aa42d", "type": "iot", "states": [
- {"name": "Speaker", "state": {"volume": 50}}, {"name": "Lamp", "state": {"power": False}}]}
- goodbye_msg = {"session_id": "b23ebfe9", "type": "goodbye"}
- local_sequence = 0
- listen_state = None
- tts_state = None
- key_state = None
- audio = None
- udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- # udp_socket.setblocking(False)
- conn_state = False
- recv_audio_thread = threading.Thread()
- send_audio_thread = threading.Thread()
- anjian_thread = threading.Thread()
- mqttc = None
- # 抬手 放手函数
- def handup():
- servo1.write_angle(170)
- servo2.write_angle(10)
- def handdown():
- servo1.write_angle(10)
- servo2.write_angle(170)
- def get_ota_version():
- global mqtt_info
- header = {
- 'Device-Id': MAC_ADDR,
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- }
- post_data = {"flash_size": 16777216, "minimum_free_heap_size": 8318916, "mac_address": f"{MAC_ADDR}",
- "chip_model_name": "esp32s3", "chip_info": {"model": 9, "cores": 2, "revision": 2, "features": 18},
- "application": {"name": "xiaozhi", "version": "0.9.9", "compile_time": "Jan 22 2025T20:40:23Z",
- "idf_version": "v5.3.2-dirty",
- "elf_sha256": "22986216df095587c42f8aeb06b239781c68ad8df80321e260556da7fcf5f522"},
- "partition_table": [{"label": "nvs", "type": 1, "subtype": 2, "address": 36864, "size": 16384},
- {"label": "otadata", "type": 1, "subtype": 0, "address": 53248, "size": 8192},
- {"label": "phy_init", "type": 1, "subtype": 1, "address": 61440, "size": 4096},
- {"label": "model", "type": 1, "subtype": 130, "address": 65536, "size": 983040},
- {"label": "storage", "type": 1, "subtype": 130, "address": 1048576,
- "size": 1048576},
- {"label": "factory", "type": 0, "subtype": 0, "address": 2097152, "size": 4194304},
- {"label": "ota_0", "type": 0, "subtype": 16, "address": 6291456, "size": 4194304},
- {"label": "ota_1", "type": 0, "subtype": 17, "address": 10485760,
- "size": 4194304}],
- "ota": {"label": "factory"},
- "board": {"type": "bread-compact-wifi", "ssid": "mzy", "rssi": -58, "channel": 6,
- "ip": "", "mac": "cc:ba:97:20:b4:bc"}}
- response = requests.post(OTA_VERSION_URL, headers=header, data=json.dumps(post_data))
- print('=========================')
- print(response.text)
- logging.info(f"get version: {response}")
- mqtt_info = response.json()['mqtt']
- def aes_ctr_encrypt(key, nonce, plaintext):
- cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CTR(nonce), backend=default_backend())
- encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
- return encryptor.update(plaintext) + encryptor.finalize()
- def aes_ctr_decrypt(key, nonce, ciphertext):
- cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CTR(nonce), backend=default_backend())
- decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
- plaintext = decryptor.update(ciphertext) + decryptor.finalize()
- return plaintext
- def send_audio():
- global aes_opus_info, udp_socket, local_sequence, listen_state, audio
- key = aes_opus_info['udp']['key']
- nonce = aes_opus_info['udp']['nonce']
- server_ip = aes_opus_info['udp']['server']
- server_port = aes_opus_info['udp']['port']
- # 初始化Opus编码器
- encoder = opuslib.Encoder(16000, 1, opuslib.APPLICATION_AUDIO)
- # 打开麦克风流, 帧大小,应该与Opus帧大小匹配
- mic = audio.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=1, rate=16000, input=True, frames_per_buffer=960)
- try:
- while True:
- if listen_state == "stop":
- continue
- time.sleep(0.1)
- # 读取音频数据
- data = mic.read(960)
- # 编码音频数据
- encoded_data = encoder.encode(data, 960)
- # 打印音频数据
- # print(f"Encoded data: {len(encoded_data)}")
- # nonce插入data.size local_sequence_
- local_sequence += 1
- new_nonce = nonce[0:4] + format(len(encoded_data), '04x') + nonce[8:24] + format(local_sequence, '08x')
- # 加密数据,添加nonce
- encrypt_encoded_data = aes_ctr_encrypt(bytes.fromhex(key), bytes.fromhex(new_nonce), bytes(encoded_data))
- data = bytes.fromhex(new_nonce) + encrypt_encoded_data
- sent = udp_socket.sendto(data, (server_ip, server_port))
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"send audio err: {e}")
- finally:
- print("send audio exit()")
- local_sequence = 0
- udp_socket = None
- # 关闭流和PyAudio
- mic.stop_stream()
- mic.close()
- def recv_audio():
- global aes_opus_info, udp_socket, audio
- key = aes_opus_info['udp']['key']
- nonce = aes_opus_info['udp']['nonce']
- sample_rate = aes_opus_info['audio_params']['sample_rate']
- frame_duration = aes_opus_info['audio_params']['frame_duration']
- frame_num = int(frame_duration / (1000 / sample_rate))
- print(f"recv audio: sample_rate -> {sample_rate}, frame_duration -> {frame_duration}, frame_num -> {frame_num}")
- # 初始化Opus编码器
- decoder = opuslib.Decoder(sample_rate, 1)
- spk = audio.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=1, rate=sample_rate, output=True, frames_per_buffer=frame_num)
- try:
- while True:
- data, server = udp_socket.recvfrom(4096)
- # print(f"Received from server {server}: {len(data)}")
- encrypt_encoded_data = data
- # 解密数据,分离nonce
- split_encrypt_encoded_data_nonce = encrypt_encoded_data[:16]
- # 十六进制格式打印nonce
- # print(f"split_encrypt_encoded_data_nonce: {split_encrypt_encoded_data_nonce.hex()}")
- split_encrypt_encoded_data = encrypt_encoded_data[16:]
- decrypt_data = aes_ctr_decrypt(bytes.fromhex(key),
- split_encrypt_encoded_data_nonce,
- split_encrypt_encoded_data)
- # 解码播放音频数据
- spk.write(decoder.decode(decrypt_data, frame_num))
- # except BlockingIOError:
- # # 无数据时短暂休眠以减少CPU占用
- # time.sleep(0.1)
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"recv audio err: {e}")
- finally:
- udp_socket = None
- spk.stop_stream()
- spk.close()
- def wrap_hanzi(text, first_line_width=5, other_line_width=16):
- """将字符串格式化为第一行指定宽度,后续行指定宽度"""
- lines = []
- # 处理第一行
- if len(text) > first_line_width:
- lines.append(text[:first_line_width])
- remaining_text = text[first_line_width:]
- else:
- lines.append(text)
- remaining_text = ""
- # 处理后续行
- for i in range(0, len(remaining_text), other_line_width):
- lines.append(remaining_text[i:i + other_line_width])
- return "\n".join(lines)
- def get_ascii_emotion(emotion):
- """根据情绪类型返回对应的 ASCII 表情符号"""
- if emotion == "happy":
- return ":)"
- elif emotion == "sad":
- return ":("
- elif emotion == "winking":
- return ";)"
- elif emotion == "surprised":
- return ":O"
- elif emotion == "angry":
- return ">:(("
- elif emotion == "laughing":
- return ":D"
- elif emotion == "cool":
- return "B-)"
- elif emotion == "crying":
- return ":'("
- elif emotion == "shy":
- return "^_^"
- elif emotion == "thinking":
- return ":|"
- elif emotion == "love":
- return "<3"
- elif emotion == "sleepy":
- return "-.-"
- elif emotion == "neutral":
- return ":|"
- elif emotion == "excited":
- return ":D"
- elif emotion == "confused":
- return ":S"
- else:
- return ":(" # 默认表情
- def on_message(client, userdata, message):
- global aes_opus_info, udp_socket, tts_state, recv_audio_thread, send_audio_thread,max_chars,listen_state
- msg = json.loads(message.payload)
- print(f"recv msg: {msg}")
- if msg['type'] == 'hello':
- aes_opus_info = msg
- udp_socket.connect((msg['udp']['server'], msg['udp']['port']))
- # 检查recv_audio_thread线程是否启动
- if not recv_audio_thread.is_alive():
- # 启动一个线程,用于接收音频数据
- recv_audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=recv_audio)
- recv_audio_thread.start()
- else:
- print("recv_audio_thread is alive")
- # 检查send_audio_thread线程是否启动
- if not send_audio_thread.is_alive():
- # 启动一个线程,用于发送音频数据
- send_audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=send_audio)
- send_audio_thread.start()
- else:
- print("send_audio_thread is alive")
- if listen_state is None:
- listen_state="hello"
- # 发送start listen消息
- msg = {"session_id": aes_opus_info['session_id'], "type": "listen", "state": "start", "mode": "manual"}
- print(f"send start listen message: {msg}")
- status_label.config(text="聆听中……")
- push_mqtt_msg(msg)
- if msg['type'] == 'tts':
- tts_state = msg['state']
- if msg['type'] == 'llm':
- ascii_emotion = get_ascii_emotion(msg['emotion'])
- emotion.config(text=ascii_emotion)
- if msg['type'] == 'tts' and msg['state']=='start':
- status_label.config(text="讲话中……")
- if msg['type'] == 'tts' and msg['state']=='stop':
- status_label.config(text="就绪")
- if msg['type'] == 'tts' and msg['state']=='sentence_start':
- text=msg['text']
- text=wrap_hanzi(text, 5,max_chars)
- log_text.config(text="小智: " + text)
- if msg['text'] == '举手':
- handup()
- if msg['text'] == '放下':
- handdown()
- if msg['type'] == 'stt':
- text=msg['text']
- text=wrap_hanzi(text, 5,max_chars)
- log_text.config(text="我: " + text)
- if msg['type'] == 'goodbye' and udp_socket and msg['session_id'] == aes_opus_info['session_id']:
- print(f"recv good bye msg")
- aes_opus_info['session_id'] = None
- log_text.config(text="")
- status_label.config(text="休息中")
- def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rs, pr):
- subscribe_topic = mqtt_info['subscribe_topic'].split("/")[0] + '/p2p/GID_test@@@' + MAC_ADDR.replace(':', '_')
- print(f"subscribe topic: {subscribe_topic}")
- # 订阅主题
- client.subscribe(subscribe_topic)
- status_label.config(text="就绪")
- def push_mqtt_msg(message):
- global mqtt_info, mqttc
- mqttc.publish(mqtt_info['publish_topic'], json.dumps(message))
- def listen_start():
- global key_state, udp_socket, aes_opus_info, listen_state, conn_state
- if key_state == "press":
- return
- key_state = "press"
- # 判断是否需要发送hello消息
- if conn_state is False or aes_opus_info['session_id'] is None:
- conn_state = True
- # 发送hello消息,建立udp连接
- hello_msg = {"type": "hello", "version": 3, "transport": "udp",
- "audio_params": {"format": "opus", "sample_rate": 16000, "channels": 1, "frame_duration": 60}}
- push_mqtt_msg(hello_msg)
- print(f"send hello message: {hello_msg}")
- if tts_state == "start" or tts_state == "entence_start":
- # 在播放状态下发送abort消息
- push_mqtt_msg({"type": "abort"})
- print(f"send abort message")
- if aes_opus_info['session_id'] is not None:
- # 发送start listen消息
- msg = {"session_id": aes_opus_info['session_id'], "type": "listen", "state": "start", "mode": "manual"}
- print(f"send start listen message: {msg}")
- status_label.config(text="聆听中……")
- push_mqtt_msg(msg)
- def listen_stop():
- global aes_opus_info, key_state
- key_state = "release"
- # 发送stop listen消息
- if aes_opus_info['session_id'] is not None:
- msg = {"session_id": aes_opus_info['session_id'], "type": "listen", "state": "stop"}
- print(f"send stop listen message: {msg}")
- push_mqtt_msg(msg)
- def run():
- global mqtt_info, mqttc
- # 获取mqtt与版本信息
- get_ota_version()
- # 创建客户端实例
- mqttc = mqtt.Client(callback_api_version=mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION2, client_id=mqtt_info['client_id'])
- mqttc.username_pw_set(username=mqtt_info['username'], password=mqtt_info['password'])
- mqttc.tls_set(ca_certs=None, certfile=None, keyfile=None, cert_reqs=mqtt.ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
- tls_version=mqtt.ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS, ciphers=None)
- mqttc.on_connect = on_connect
- mqttc.on_message = on_message
- mqttc.connect(host=mqtt_info['endpoint'], port=8883)
- anjian_thread = threading.Thread(target=anjian)
- anjian_thread.start()
- mqttc.loop_forever()
- def anjian():
- bs=1
- while True:
- if p_p24_in.read_digital()==True:
- if bs==1:
- listen_start()
- else:
- listen_stop()
- bs=1-bs
- time.sleep(1)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- audio = pyaudio.PyAudio()
- run()
- ## pip install paho-mqtt pyaudio opuslib cryptography webrtcvad
- #!/usr/bin/python
- # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
- import json
- import time
- import requests
- import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
- import threading
- import pyaudio
- import opuslib # windwos平台需要将opus.dll 拷贝到C:\Windows\System32
- import socket
- from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
- from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
- from os import urandom
- import logging
- from pynput import keyboard as pynput_keyboard
- from unihiker import GUI
- from pinpong.board import Pin
- from pinpong.board import Board
- from pinpong.board import Servo
- import webrtcvad
- vad = webrtcvad.Vad(3)
- # 初始化行空板硬件接口
- Board().begin()
- gui=GUI()
- gui.clear()
- #舵机引脚及按键引脚设置
- pin2 = Pin(Pin.D21)
- pin3 = Pin(Pin.D22)
- servo1 = Servo(pin2)
- servo2 = Servo(pin3)
- p_p24_in=Pin(Pin.P24, Pin.IN)
- #显示内容设置
- fontSize=20
- max_lines = 16
- max_chars=8
- # 图形界面元素
- status_label = gui.draw_text(x=80, y=10, text='初始化中...', color='red')
- log_text = gui.draw_text(x=10, y=100, text='', font_size=fontSize,color='blue')
- emotion = gui.draw_text(x=110, y=50, text='', font_size=fontSize,color='green')
- OTA_VERSION_URL = 'https://api.tenclass.net/xiaozhi/ota/'
- MAC_ADDR = '7a:da:6b:5c:76:50'
- # {"mqtt":{"endpoint":"post-cn-apg3xckag01.mqtt.aliyuncs.com","client_id":"GID_test@@@cc_ba_97_20_b4_bc",
- # "username":"Signature|LTAI5tF8J3CrdWmRiuTjxHbF|post-cn-apg3xckag01","password":"0mrkMFELXKyelhuYy2FpGDeCigU=",
- # "publish_topic":"device-server","subscribe_topic":"devices"},"firmware":{"version":"0.9.9","url":""}}
- mqtt_info = {}
- aes_opus_info = {"type": "hello", "version": 3, "transport": "udp",
- "udp": {"server": "", "port": 8884, "encryption": "aes-128-ctr",
- "key": "263094c3aa28cb42f3965a1020cb21a7", "nonce": "01000000ccba9720b4bc268100000000"},
- "audio_params": {"format": "opus", "sample_rate": 24000, "channels": 1, "frame_duration": 60},
- "session_id": None}
- iot_msg = {"session_id": "635aa42d", "type": "iot",
- "descriptors": [{"name": "Speaker", "description": "当前 AI 机器人的扬声器",
- "properties": {"volume": {"description": "当前音量值", "type": "number"}},
- "methods": {"SetVolume": {"description": "设置音量",
- "parameters": {
- "volume": {"description": "0到100之间的整数", "type": "number"}
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {"name": "Lamp", "description": "一个测试用的灯",
- "properties": {"power": {"description": "灯是否打开", "type": "boolean"}},
- "methods": {"TurnOn": {"description": "打开灯", "parameters": {}},
- "TurnOff": {"description": "关闭灯", "parameters": {}}
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- iot_status_msg = {"session_id": "635aa42d", "type": "iot", "states": [
- {"name": "Speaker", "state": {"volume": 50}}, {"name": "Lamp", "state": {"power": False}}]}
- goodbye_msg = {"session_id": "b23ebfe9", "type": "goodbye"}
- local_sequence = 0
- listen_state = None
- tts_state = None
- key_state = None
- audio = None
- vaddata=None
- udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- # udp_socket.setblocking(False)
- conn_state = False
- recv_audio_thread = threading.Thread()
- send_audio_thread = threading.Thread()
- anjian_thread = threading.Thread()
- mqttc = None
- # 抬手 放手函数
- def handup():
- servo1.write_angle(170)
- servo2.write_angle(10)
- def handdown():
- servo1.write_angle(10)
- servo2.write_angle(170)
- def get_ota_version():
- global mqtt_info
- header = {
- 'Device-Id': MAC_ADDR,
- 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
- }
- post_data = {"flash_size": 16777216, "minimum_free_heap_size": 8318916, "mac_address": f"{MAC_ADDR}",
- "chip_model_name": "esp32s3", "chip_info": {"model": 9, "cores": 2, "revision": 2, "features": 18},
- "application": {"name": "xiaozhi", "version": "0.9.9", "compile_time": "Jan 22 2025T20:40:23Z",
- "idf_version": "v5.3.2-dirty",
- "elf_sha256": "22986216df095587c42f8aeb06b239781c68ad8df80321e260556da7fcf5f522"},
- "partition_table": [{"label": "nvs", "type": 1, "subtype": 2, "address": 36864, "size": 16384},
- {"label": "otadata", "type": 1, "subtype": 0, "address": 53248, "size": 8192},
- {"label": "phy_init", "type": 1, "subtype": 1, "address": 61440, "size": 4096},
- {"label": "model", "type": 1, "subtype": 130, "address": 65536, "size": 983040},
- {"label": "storage", "type": 1, "subtype": 130, "address": 1048576,
- "size": 1048576},
- {"label": "factory", "type": 0, "subtype": 0, "address": 2097152, "size": 4194304},
- {"label": "ota_0", "type": 0, "subtype": 16, "address": 6291456, "size": 4194304},
- {"label": "ota_1", "type": 0, "subtype": 17, "address": 10485760,
- "size": 4194304}],
- "ota": {"label": "factory"},
- "board": {"type": "bread-compact-wifi", "ssid": "mzy", "rssi": -58, "channel": 6,
- "ip": "", "mac": "cc:ba:97:20:b4:bc"}}
- response = requests.post(OTA_VERSION_URL, headers=header, data=json.dumps(post_data))
- print('=========================')
- print(response.text)
- logging.info(f"get version: {response}")
- mqtt_info = response.json()['mqtt']
- def aes_ctr_encrypt(key, nonce, plaintext):
- cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CTR(nonce), backend=default_backend())
- encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
- return encryptor.update(plaintext) + encryptor.finalize()
- def aes_ctr_decrypt(key, nonce, ciphertext):
- cipher = Cipher(algorithms.AES(key), modes.CTR(nonce), backend=default_backend())
- decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
- plaintext = decryptor.update(ciphertext) + decryptor.finalize()
- return plaintext
- def send_audio():
- global aes_opus_info, udp_socket, local_sequence, listen_state, audio,vaddata
- key = aes_opus_info['udp']['key']
- nonce = aes_opus_info['udp']['nonce']
- server_ip = aes_opus_info['udp']['server']
- server_port = aes_opus_info['udp']['port']
- # 初始化Opus编码器
- encoder = opuslib.Encoder(16000, 1, opuslib.APPLICATION_AUDIO)
- # 打开麦克风流, 帧大小,应该与Opus帧大小匹配
- mic = audio.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=1, rate=16000, input=True, frames_per_buffer=480)
- try:
- while True:
- if listen_state == "stop":
- continue
- time.sleep(0.1)
- # 读取音频数据
- vaddata = mic.read(480)
- data=vaddata+mic.read(480)
- # 编码音频数据
- encoded_data = encoder.encode(data, 960)
- # 打印音频数据
- #print(f"Encoded data: {len(encoded_data)}")
- # nonce插入data.size local_sequence_
- local_sequence += 1
- new_nonce = nonce[0:4] + format(len(encoded_data), '04x') + nonce[8:24] + format(local_sequence, '08x')
- # 加密数据,添加nonce
- encrypt_encoded_data = aes_ctr_encrypt(bytes.fromhex(key), bytes.fromhex(new_nonce), bytes(encoded_data))
- data = bytes.fromhex(new_nonce) + encrypt_encoded_data
- sent = udp_socket.sendto(data, (server_ip, server_port))
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"send audio err: {e}")
- finally:
- print("send audio exit()")
- local_sequence = 0
- udp_socket = None
- # 关闭流和PyAudio
- mic.stop_stream()
- mic.close()
- def recv_audio():
- global aes_opus_info, udp_socket, audio,speekstoptime
- key = aes_opus_info['udp']['key']
- nonce = aes_opus_info['udp']['nonce']
- sample_rate = aes_opus_info['audio_params']['sample_rate']
- frame_duration = aes_opus_info['audio_params']['frame_duration']
- frame_num = int(frame_duration / (1000 / sample_rate))
- print(f"recv audio: sample_rate -> {sample_rate}, frame_duration -> {frame_duration}, frame_num -> {frame_num}")
- # 初始化Opus编码器
- decoder = opuslib.Decoder(sample_rate, 1)
- spk = audio.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16, channels=1, rate=sample_rate, output=True, frames_per_buffer=frame_num)
- try:
- while True:
- data, server = udp_socket.recvfrom(4096)
- print(f"Received from server {server}: {len(data)}")
- encrypt_encoded_data = data
- # 解密数据,分离nonce
- split_encrypt_encoded_data_nonce = encrypt_encoded_data[:16]
- # 十六进制格式打印nonce
- # print(f"split_encrypt_encoded_data_nonce: {split_encrypt_encoded_data_nonce.hex()}")
- split_encrypt_encoded_data = encrypt_encoded_data[16:]
- decrypt_data = aes_ctr_decrypt(bytes.fromhex(key),
- split_encrypt_encoded_data_nonce,
- split_encrypt_encoded_data)
- # 解码播放音频数据
- spk.write(decoder.decode(decrypt_data, frame_num))
- speekstoptime=time.time()
- # except BlockingIOError:
- # # 无数据时短暂休眠以减少CPU占用
- # time.sleep(0.1)
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"recv audio err: {e}")
- finally:
- udp_socket = None
- spk.stop_stream()
- spk.close()
- def wrap_hanzi(text, first_line_width=5, other_line_width=16):
- """将字符串格式化为第一行指定宽度,后续行指定宽度"""
- lines = []
- # 处理第一行
- if len(text) > first_line_width:
- lines.append(text[:first_line_width])
- remaining_text = text[first_line_width:]
- else:
- lines.append(text)
- remaining_text = ""
- # 处理后续行
- for i in range(0, len(remaining_text), other_line_width):
- lines.append(remaining_text[i:i + other_line_width])
- return "\n".join(lines)
- def get_ascii_emotion(emotion):
- """根据情绪类型返回对应的 ASCII 表情符号"""
- if emotion == "happy":
- return ":)"
- elif emotion == "sad":
- return ":("
- elif emotion == "winking":
- return ";)"
- elif emotion == "surprised":
- return ":O"
- elif emotion == "angry":
- return ">:(("
- elif emotion == "laughing":
- return ":D"
- elif emotion == "cool":
- return "B-)"
- elif emotion == "crying":
- return ":'("
- elif emotion == "shy":
- return "^_^"
- elif emotion == "thinking":
- return ":|"
- elif emotion == "love":
- return "<3"
- elif emotion == "sleepy":
- return "-.-"
- elif emotion == "neutral":
- return ":|"
- elif emotion == "excited":
- return ":D"
- elif emotion == "confused":
- return ":S"
- else:
- return ":(" # 默认表情
- def on_message(client, userdata, message):
- global aes_opus_info, udp_socket, tts_state, recv_audio_thread, send_audio_thread,max_chars,listen_state,speekstate,speekstoptime
- msg = json.loads(message.payload)
- print(f"recv msg: {msg}")
- if msg['type'] == 'hello':
- aes_opus_info = msg
- udp_socket.connect((msg['udp']['server'], msg['udp']['port']))
- # 检查recv_audio_thread线程是否启动
- if not recv_audio_thread.is_alive():
- # 启动一个线程,用于接收音频数据
- recv_audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=recv_audio)
- recv_audio_thread.start()
- else:
- print("recv_audio_thread is alive")
- # 检查send_audio_thread线程是否启动
- if not send_audio_thread.is_alive():
- # 启动一个线程,用于发送音频数据
- send_audio_thread = threading.Thread(target=send_audio)
- send_audio_thread.start()
- else:
- print("send_audio_thread is alive")
- if listen_state is None:
- listen_state="hello"
- # 发送start listen消息
- msg = {"session_id": aes_opus_info['session_id'], "type": "listen", "state": "start", "mode": "manual"}
- print(f"send start listen message: {msg}")
- status_label.config(text="聆听中……")
- push_mqtt_msg(msg)
- if msg['type'] == 'tts':
- tts_state = msg['state']
- if msg['type'] == 'llm':
- ascii_emotion = get_ascii_emotion(msg['emotion'])
- emotion.config(text=ascii_emotion)
- if msg['type'] == 'tts' and msg['state']=='start':
- status_label.config(text="讲话中……")
- speekstate=0
- if msg['type'] == 'tts' and msg['state']=='stop':
- status_label.config(text="就绪")
- speekstate=1
- if msg['type'] == 'tts' and msg['state']=='sentence_start':
- text=msg['text']
- text=wrap_hanzi(text, 5,max_chars)
- log_text.config(text="小智: " + text)
- if msg['text'] == '举手':
- handup()
- if msg['text'] == '放下':
- handdown()
- if msg['type'] == 'stt':
- text=msg['text']
- text=wrap_hanzi(text, 5,max_chars)
- log_text.config(text="我: " + text)
- if msg['type'] == 'goodbye' and udp_socket and msg['session_id'] == aes_opus_info['session_id']:
- print(f"recv good bye msg")
- aes_opus_info['session_id'] = None
- listen_state= None
- log_text.config(text="")
- status_label.config(text="休息中")
- # 关闭 UDP 连接
- if udp_socket:
- udp_socket.close()
- udp_socket = None
- for thread in (recv_audio_thread, send_audio_thread):
- if thread and thread.is_alive():
- thread.join(timeout=1)
- def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rs, pr):
- subscribe_topic = mqtt_info['subscribe_topic'].split("/")[0] + '/p2p/GID_test@@@' + MAC_ADDR.replace(':', '_')
- print(f"subscribe topic: {subscribe_topic}")
- # 订阅主题
- client.subscribe(subscribe_topic)
- status_label.config(text="就绪")
- def push_mqtt_msg(message):
- global mqtt_info, mqttc
- mqttc.publish(mqtt_info['publish_topic'], json.dumps(message))
- def listen_start():
- global key_state, udp_socket, aes_opus_info, listen_state, conn_state
- if key_state == "press":
- return
- key_state = "press"
- # 判断是否需要发送hello消息
- if conn_state is False or aes_opus_info['session_id'] is None:
- # 清理旧连接
- if udp_socket:
- udp_socket.close()
- udp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- conn_state = True
- # 发送hello消息,建立udp连接
- hello_msg = {"type": "hello", "version": 3, "transport": "udp",
- "audio_params": {"format": "opus", "sample_rate": 16000, "channels": 1, "frame_duration": 60}}
- push_mqtt_msg(hello_msg)
- print(f"send hello message: {hello_msg}")
- if tts_state == "start" or tts_state == "entence_start":
- # 在播放状态下发送abort消息
- push_mqtt_msg({"type": "abort"})
- print(f"send abort message")
- if aes_opus_info['session_id'] is not None:
- # 发送start listen消息
- msg = {"session_id": aes_opus_info['session_id'], "type": "listen", "state": "start", "mode": "manual"}
- print(f"send start listen message: {msg}")
- push_mqtt_msg(msg)
- def listen_stop():
- global aes_opus_info, key_state
- key_state = "release"
- # 发送stop listen消息
- if aes_opus_info['session_id'] is not None:
- msg = {"session_id": aes_opus_info['session_id'], "type": "listen", "state": "stop"}
- print(f"send stop listen message: {msg}")
- push_mqtt_msg(msg)
- def run():
- global mqtt_info, mqttc
- # 获取mqtt与版本信息
- get_ota_version()
- # 创建客户端实例
- mqttc = mqtt.Client(callback_api_version=mqtt.CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION2, client_id=mqtt_info['client_id'])
- mqttc.username_pw_set(username=mqtt_info['username'], password=mqtt_info['password'])
- mqttc.tls_set(ca_certs=None, certfile=None, keyfile=None, cert_reqs=mqtt.ssl.CERT_REQUIRED,
- tls_version=mqtt.ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS, ciphers=None)
- mqttc.on_connect = on_connect
- mqttc.on_message = on_message
- mqttc.connect(host=mqtt_info['endpoint'], port=8883)
- anjian_thread = threading.Thread(target=anjian)
- anjian_thread.start()
- mqttc.loop_forever()
- speekstate=0
- speekstoptime=0
- def anjian():
- global vaddata,speekstate,speekstoptime
- bs=0
- last_voice_time=0
- while True:
- if vaddata is not None:
- if vad.is_speech(vaddata, 16000) and speekstate==1 and time.time()-speekstoptime>1.5:
- status_label.config(text="聆听中……")
- print(".",end="")
- bs=1
- listen_start()
- last_voice_time = time.time()
- elif time.time() - last_voice_time >1.5 and bs==1:
- bs=0
- listen_stop()
- else:
- time.sleep(2)
- bs=1
- listen_start()
- last_voice_time = time.time()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- audio = pyaudio.PyAudio()
- run()
(webrtcvad库检测效果一般,我使用的是模式 3:非常激进模式,灵敏度最高。)